SMMH Episode 3-"Illusion's Reality? The Dreamscape Invader." |
(Rayes bedroom.)
(Raye is asleep and dreaming she's Christine from Phantom of the Opera. She sees Illusion from behind.) RAYE: Take off that mask so I can see what you really look like. (She takes it off, but as he turns around, he shows his half-charred face and pulls out a katana blade.) ILLUSION: I can finally finish what I start! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! (She wakes up screaming and Chad comes into her room.) CHAD: Raye, are you okay? I heard you screaming. RAYE: I had a nightmare, where the Phantom of the Opera was about to attack me, and then I woke up screaming. CHAD: I have plenty of dreams like that. Only they're not about monsters. I had this dream where I went to a Baseball game in Sapporo, but I wasn't wearing any pants- RAYE: Um, that's all I needed to hear. I have to go back to bed. I have a big day ahead. CHAD: OK. Night, Raye. Pleasant dreams. (Back in Dimension Noir, Illusion is looking through a silver mirror, laughing maniacally when Ramses walks in.) RAMSES: What is your plan this time, Illusion? ILLUSION: I have infiltrated the dreams of one of the Sailor Scouts. If she is a warrior, she will tell her friends about the dream and they'll show their true identities. RAMSES: That's great, but what about the real time? We can't face them in a dream. ILLUSION: I'll send this girl a message to meet me at Tokyo Tower. She comes, and we all spring on her. RAMSES: Brilliant. I don't know why you're not my second in command. (HYDE shows up, with one of his dead rats.) HYDE: Because I AM, you dipstick. We have to get rid of these Sailors. Look what they did to my pets. (He holds up the remains in their faces.) RAMSES: Damn the Meatball-headed one! We shall have a victory soon! (The next day at school, Raye begins to drift off during study period. Amy taps her on the shoulder.) AMY: Raye, is there something wrong? It's not like you to sleep in class. RAYE: I had this nightmare where this Pahntom of the Opera guy attacks me. I woke up screaming. AMY: This sounds suspicious, Raye. We'd better meet the others after school. (Kevin, who is sitting two seats in front, listens and grins.) KEVIN: (Thinking) We may just know who those Scouts are yet..... (The girls are at the Hikawa Shrine. Luna and Artemis join them.) SERENA: This had better be important. Darien and I are going out for pizza. RAYE: Just stop thinking about your stomach and listen! I had this nightmare where the Phantom of the Opera was going to kill me. |
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MINA: But it's just a dream! It can't hurt you!
RAYE: It almost did. I have a feeling this isn't just a dream. (She goes to the sacred fire and bows down.) RAYE: Sacred fire, show us who's behind the dreams. (Illusion's image appears in the flames.) RAYE: I knew it! LUNA: That's one of the Dark Masters! ARTEMIS: If you're not careful, he'll do away with you in your dreams. LITA: Hey, why don't we all stay over? We can help Raye if something bad happens. RAYE: Thanks. Come back at 7 o' clock. We'll make our plans. (Later, when the girls are all asleep, Raye has another dream. This time she's dressed in her Sailor Scout uniform.) SAILOR MARS: Show yourself! Why have you been haunting me in my dreams? (Illusion appears, with a hawk perched on his shoulder in full wingspan.) ILLUSION: I want to get rid of you and your Sailor pals. But doing it in your dreams is just too easy. I want you to meet me, tete-a-tete, at Tokyo Tower tomorrow evening. SAILOR MARS: You bet I'll be there. When I'm finished with you, you'll need a mask to hide your WHOLE face! ILLUSION: Until tomorrow, fair Mars! MWAHAHA! (She wakes up and turns on the lights.) AMY: Are you OK? RAYE: He came to me again. He said to be at Tokyo Tower tomorrow to fight him. MINA: We'll get to the bottom of this yet. (The girls meet in front of Tokyo Tower the next evening.) SERENA: Look, are you sure you want to do this, Raye? RAYE: Of course I do, you meatball brain! I don't want to spend the rest of my life haunted by this guy! AMY: Stop arguing! We have to transform! SERENA: MOON MONSTER HUNTER MAGIC! AMY: MERCURY MONSTER HUNTER MAGIC! RAYE: MARS MONSTER HUNTER MAGIC! LITA: JUPITER MONSTER HUNTER MAGIC! MINA: VENUS MONSTER HUNTER MAGIC! (They all transform, set to Shoenen Knife's "Konnichiwa.") SAILOR MARS: Let's go in and kick some tail! (Inside, Illusion looks out the observation deck and draws his katana. "Hanging Around" by the Cardigans plays.) |
ILLUSION: Tete-a-tete? Not bloody likely. We'll show those girls not to mess with Dimension Noir.
(The rest of the Dark Masters raise their weapons as the Scouts appear.) SAILOR MARS: At last, we meet in a place other than our dreams. ILLUSION: You brought your friends along. SAILOR MARS: And so did you. You said this was going to be one on one. ILLUSION: You can't expect me to be honest, can you? SAILOR MOON: We're here to send you back to where you came from! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you! MOON LOVE SABER ACTIVATE! RAMSES: So, you think you can take me on, Meatball head? SAILOR MOON: No one calls me Meatball head except for Darien! (They lock onto a saber-sickle fight ala Star Wars.) HYDE: Well, while those two face off, let's say we take time for a checkup! (He pulls out a rusty butcher knife and lunges towards Sailor Mercury.) SAILOR MERCURY: You'll never get away with this! SHINE AQUA ILLUSION! (He misses and when the fog clears, finds he stuck his knife in a wall.) HYDE: I really hate these girls. (Stalker sizes up Sailor Jupiter.) STALKER: You look like a tasty dish, I've wondered what Sailor Scouts taste like. SAILOR JUPITER: You'll never find out because I'll knock your fangs out! (She coldcocks him in the jaw and he falls to the ground.) STALKER: (Thinking) Is this the same girl that I met at the mall? SAILOR JUPITER: (Thinking) Could he be human? (Alucard comes behind Mina and grabs her.) ALUCARD: You will be mine, lovely, I'll make sure of it. SAILOR VENUS: Oh yeah? (She is about to slap him until she sees who he looks like.) SAILOR VENUS: It can't be..... (Sailor Mars and Illusion draw their weapons.) ILLUSION: A magic wand? HA! What are you going to do? Make this building disappear? SAILOR MARS: HYPNO BOQUET TRANCE! (He is imobilized.) SAILOR MARS: Now it's time to finish you all off. AKURYO- (Jupiter and Venus stop Mars.) SAILOR JUPITER: Don't hurt them! SAILOR MARS: What? SAILOR VENUS: I think they're not what they seem! RAMSES: Now that those two bought us some time, we can go back to plan our next attack. So long, girls. (They disappear.) SAILOR MARS: Why did you do that? SAILOR JUPITER: Because we feel that there's a spark of goodness inside them. SAILOR MOON: But they're monsters! SAILOR VENUS: Maybe so, but I think we may know them as something else. (Back in Dimension Noir.....) ILLUSION: Why the hell did they stop us? HYDE: Stalker, Alucard, I have a feeling you're not telling us something. STALKER: I think I'm in love with Sailor Jupiter. RAMSES: WHAT?!?! Is this planet affecting your better judgement? We're here to destroy them, not fall in love with them! ALUCARD: I feel the same way about Venus. I can't hurt her. ILLUSION: We have no time for love. We have to set our minds on our mission. We have to rule the universe! End of Episode 3 Moonlight carries the message of love! |
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