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Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash!
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Updated 2-3-01 You're watching the MST3K episode "Werewolf" and you continually make jokes about Stalker.
You cross-pollinate the Sailor Scouts and Dark Masters. THAT'S SCARY! You know about the "Morphing Project". You see a trailer for "The Mummy" with Brendan Fraser, and yell out "WHERE'S NICK CARTER?" at the end. You've nicked off the dress from Phantom of the Opera Barbie and put it on your Sailor Mars doll. You tried using "Hypno Bouquet Trance!" with the long-stemmed roses your BF gave you on your little brother, but it apparently didn't work :( You use a gold lasso to snag a boyfriend. Literally. You have dragged your sweetie to see Phantom of the Opera more than once. You get dressed in your Goth finery when "Backstreet Boys' Favorite Videos" is re-run on MTV. You can't believe that there are people who LOVE Sailor Moon and HATE BSB. Whuh? You count these guys as Sailor Moon's worst enemies, and when someone mentions Queen Beryl, you say "Who?" Someone has said "ENOUGH ALREADY!" when you bring it up. You refer to the first draft as "It's alive.....IT'S ALIVE!" You're watching Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video and ask, "Doesn't this almost seem strangely familiar to you guys?" You actually spend more money on Halloween costume stuff than Christmas presents. :/ You wonder if the Dark Masters and Dark Stalkers hang out together. You've referred to the BSB-All Access video as Otoko Kawaii No Youma Henshin (The Monstrous Transformation of the cute guys). You're REALLY jazzed when a BSB mention is made IN CONTEXT on Big Wolf. :D You're really quite glad Nick didn't go with his first choice--The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Uh, I prefer dry kisses rather than wet..... You really think the Canadian made "Jekyll & Hyde" series is WRONG on so many levels. You decide to bring back the lost art form of Hieroglyphics. Somehow, you wanted B-Rok to be in that "Hands On" sketch alongside Seth. You and your friends have arguments about "Who would win in a fight between Jaedite and Alucard?" and the answer is ALWAYS Alucard. You refer to monsters as "Youmas" now. The song "Princes of the Universe" makes you think of the Dark Masters. You think if former Skid Row Bishônen Sebastian Bach can be in Broadway's "Jekyll & Hyde", Kev should do it too. All of your Vampyr drawings have the same victim-a blonde with a red bow in her hair..... You call yourself "Sailor Youma Okake". You've given each Dark Master a Pokémon. You've gotten hooked on "Master Mosquiton" because it's about a Vampyr and his girlfriend..... You disagree with Neil Gaiman on what REALLY happened to Jekyll & Hyde..... |
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