Sailor Jupiter/Makoto

Name: Kino Makoto
Birthday: December 5
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O
Favourite Colour: Pink
Hobby: Bargain-hunting
Favourite Food: Cherry Pie
Least Favourite Food: None
Favourite Subject: Home Economics
Worst Subject: Physics
Has Trouble With: Airplanes
Strong Point: Cooking (listed as a hobby in the SFC RPG)
Dream: Being a Bride, Selling Cake, Selling Flowers
Favourite Gemstone: Emerald 

Kino Makoto, a.k.a. Super Sailor Jupiter represents the original brawn of the team (Haruka packs more punch). Deceptively gentle, she has the capacity to kick some serious butt when the situation calls for it. She has the uncanny habit of falling in love with every guy she sees (every guy looks like her sempai). She goes to Juuban High School with the rest of the girls (except Rei), and finally has a school uniform that matches the others too! ^_^ Mako-chan seems the opposite of Ami in the sense that she thinks with her fists instead of her head. Super Sailorjupiter always comes through in the end however, as do all of the other Sailor Senshi. But along with the big muscles comes a big heart, and Mako-chan definitely has one of those. The Neherenia Arc of Sailorstars proves this; she protects Usagi from repeated energy blasts from Neherenia until she can't take anymore. She'd rather die trying to protect Usagi, to stay and fight to the bitter end, than let her be harmed.


 Supreme Thunder 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi
  Supreme Thunder Dragon 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi
  Sailormoon R.
 Sparkling Wide Pressure 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi
  Sailormoon R.
 Jupiter Oak Evolution 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi


 Jupiter Power, Make Up! 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi

 Jupiter Star Power, Make Up! 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi
 Sailormoon R. 

 Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up! 
 First appearance in Bishoujo Senshi
 Sailormoon SuperS. 
