April 10th, 1999

This is a bit of a catch up of news in the past 6 months, so some of it is not that new.

The 17 "Lost" episodes, as they have been donned by the Cartoon Network have been played and complete, thus ending Sailormoon R for American Audiences. Currently, the "Lost" episodes are being played for its second time in its normally time slot, 4 p.m. EST on the Toonami block of time. No word on any further episodes being dubbed, and don't exactly keep your hopes up that they will.

MixxZine Entertainment has decided to split the Sailormoon Manga from its normal Magazine entitled, Mixxzine. Instead of having it with its other Mangas like Magic Knight Rayearth, Ice Blade, and Parasyite, it will be shown in 2 different forms. The first, will be that it will be released per part in a regular comic format and will continue where the story left off in MixxZine(towards the end of the orginal story); The second format will be shown in Mixx's new magazine called Smile, which is aimed for younger girls and will feature the storyline much farther into the series(Beginning of Sailormoon S). Currently, Smile is at the beginning of Sailormoon SuperS.

A company in Canada has picked up the rights to the Merchandise of Sailormoon S, but NOT the series itself, and does not plan to finace the dubbing of Sailormoon S as last reported.

In the November, 1998 issue of Animerica Magazine, they spoke of Cartoon Networks possible interest of dubbing the 3 Sailormoon movies, and possibly showing them on the Toonami time slot due to the popularity of Sailormoon which, with Dragonball Z, has given Toonami excellent rantings. Nothing else has been stated about this situation but Toonami already has had a "Toonami's Movies" special on every Friday for around 6-8 weeks where they actually showed the 3 dubbed Dragonball Z(there are 13 in total) movies currently domestically released. This is could be a real possibility in the near future.

Heard any news I don't have posted on here? Drop me a letter and tell me what I don't have. Please provide proof that its actual news, and not a rumor though! Arigato!