Project A.M.Y. (Annihilate Mercury Yammers)

Amy Wants YOU!
Well, after thankfully finding out tha there was only ONE anti page, I thought I should link to it.
I think that all and any Amy fans should kindly and respectfully tell these people that making funor insulting another Senshi is a waste of their time and that they aren't proving anything, and no one is going to change their opinion. We certainly aren't going to change theirs, either, but that doesn't mean that they should be putting up an anti-page. And you people certainly shouldn't make your own anti page for anything that isn't work making an Anti-page about, because then you're just as bad. These people are just as ignorant about the series as the people who bash Sailor Moon, or Sailormoon, whichever, and they need to understand that what they're doing is nothing going to prove anything. So, without futher adieu....
 The Anti Mercury Shrine [ ]