Name: Karen Birthday: October 14 EyeColor: Blue HairColor: Blond Favesubject: Reading Worstsubject: Pysi. Favefood: Salad LFF: Pizza Admires: Snow, Pluto, Misty Likes: Computers, Books Hates: Boreing Movies, Action Movies Past: Karen knows nother of her past but she knows she must protet Snow, and protect people from the negaverse. Powers: Karen yell's "BlueWind Power" to transform, when said a blurring wind covers Karen turning her into Sailor BlueWind. BlueWind yell's "BlueWind AfterGlow" this attack is when a monster is stunned, if it works it freezes the monster in its track, when on for a cuple a sec's the monster starts to disapper. BlueWind yell's "BlueWind AfterFog" then is combined with "BlueWind AfterGlow" to destroy the monster, she only uses this if she is alone and can't get help Quote: "Don't judge me by Looks, but by my WebPage!"