Just you and me God.

All I need is some one to complete me, All I want is some one to talk to, I need a shoulder to lean on, Some one who will cry with me, All I need is some one to complete me. --- Some one who is kind, And has a good mind, With a different outlook on life, Who already knows my future wife, I would love to see his face, I'd love to share in his grace, Some one to warm me when its cold, Some one who is bold, All I need is some one to complete me. --- I want to share my love, And my thoughts, With someone who won't Complain about my socks, Some one who wont call me bart, Some who can melt my stone heart, And make me cry, All because of saying, I love You. All I need is some one to complete me. --- All I want, All I need, All I want is you, You God, You complete me.


I often wonder how good it would be
To live in a world free
From the pains and the sorrows of life
That lead to a land where heartaches and strife
Run riot amid declarations of love
And hearts, and sunsets, and stars above;
Of happiness true, and friendship divine,
Of eyes that weep, and hearts that pine.
How good it would be
If we could just see
We live in a world
Where God is the key.

Did you ever love someone?

Did you ever love someone
But that someone didn't love you?
Did you ever feel like crying
Then think what good it would do?
Did you ever look into his eyes
And say a little prayer?
Did you ever look into his heart
And wish that you were there?
Did you ever see him dancing
When the lights were oh so low?
Did you ever hear him whisper
'god I love you so and I'll never let you go'?
Did you ever fall in love my friend
And find it doesn't pay?
One minute you are happy,
But feeling blue next day;
And when it starts, you don't know why,
You worry night and day;
You see my friend, you're losing him,
I said it doesn't pay.
Love is fine but it hurts so much,
The price is very high;
If I could chose between life and death
I think I'd rather die.
So when I say don't fall in love,
You'll be hurt before it's through,
You see, my friend, I ought to know,
Cause I've fallen in love with you.
Heart Shaped Box

They are, all of them, mine
Every pair of eyes, in a velvet-lined box
I covet
Every lock of hair, tied with bright ribbon
I count
A fleeting, fickle collection of laughs
A treasure chest, buried by a pirate, filled with prizes
I have not won
stolen, all are mine
the precious gems come and go 
and stay