To laugh often and much

To win the respect of intelligent people

and affection of children;

to earn the appreciation of honest critics

and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty,

to find the best in others;

to leave the world a bit better,

whether by a healthy child,

a garden patch

or a redeemed social condition;

to know even one life has breathed easier

because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Things I Treasure Most

A good and faithful husband Sametime

A wonderful Daughter Megan

A Bright and talented son who amazes me at every turn Mike

My family Mom ,Dad,my 4 sisters,and my brother

their Kids and husband's

Samers mom

His brother Bill and family

A job that challenges me and never leaves me bored

My computer {did I ever watch TV}

Shopping at Lord & Taylor

{I work for them so I guess I can give a little back}

I want to thank everyone on line who have become like family to me.

The People in Virtual Places .

In the past two years I think

I have spent more time with you than with some of my family.

You came along when my first child left home for good

and made me laugh and cry and realize it was a good thing.

For all this I am truly grateful.

Thank you God for the wonder of it all.


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