Activity Tent

You come to a big tent and all around you are beasts of all species milling around doing many activities. You walk up to a young hedgehog handing you a birch parchment. "You can do activities here t' get honors. Here is a list o' things you can do."

Last updated: March 5, 2001 (opening site)

Other awesome places of CSM

Join: Come here to join CSM!
Rules of The Camp: Read this before joining.
Silver Minnow Courtyard: Our NEW MB!
CSM Chat: Chat with other beasts from this club and others!
Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks to complete Redwall sentences, earn up to 10 honors!
Who Slew Who?: I give you a name and you tell me who slew him/her!
Long Stories:
Poll: State your opinion. Do the poll.
Poems: See our other list of Poems!
Quiz: Come do the quiz. Win up to 10 honors!
Links: Come see other great Redwall sites!
Quote of the Week: Send in your favorite quote from a Redwall book!
Nameday: Submit or Vote for the Season Name!
Word Scramble: Unscramble letters to make words!
Missions: Go on a daring mission to earn honors!
Completed Missions: Read Completed Missions
Camp Silver Minnow:
**New Additions**
Ok mates! If you find a beast, and tell them to join the club, and give them the address, you get 3 honors! I update everyday, so keep sending stuff in!

Questions? E-mail Korik


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