"Destiny in the Moonlight" By Audrey aka Sailor November ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *AUTHORS NOTE* 1. All of the charicters are owned and created by those blessed Japanese writers and cartoonists, and I understand that they are copywrighted. They are not my own; so please don't sue me! I'm just a crazy, obsessed fan. 2. All of the other charicters are mostly mine. Feel free to use some of them. 3. ALL comments and corrections (Rude to Rave) are VERY welcome at birkrules@california.com. 4. I've seen MILLIONS of ways of spelling Reenies name; yet I prefer this one. Same with Darien. 5. Knowing my lazy self, there are probably a billion spelling errors in this story!! If you see one, go ahead and tell me. 6. This is mainly a story/romance about Usagi and Mamoru (I used the NA names though) so if you are looking for a romance focused on anyone else I suggest you look elsewhere! Thanks! Enjoy. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________ | @-->-- ~*~*~ ---<--@ | | | | Part 1 of "Destiny in the Moonlight" | | | | @-->-- ~*~*~ ---<--@ | |______________________________________| It was a clear and peacfull evning in Tokyo Park. As the sun set for the evning, it sent colors of burgandy, golden orange, golden yellow, and deep reds dancing across the sky; falling into a deep, restfull sleep at the crest of distant hills. The water in the lake was glistning from the light of the moon. It waved in a slow and gentle motion from the light breeze the evning carried. Street lamps surrounding the lake were lit brightly, shining on to the waves of the lake, giving them a slight sparkle and glow. Situated along the lake shore were park benches crafted of a deep golden brown oak. As the sun sets lower and lower, the sky becomes a deep, dark navy blue, and the moon seems to come alive with light. There must have not been one cloud in the sky, for the stars were shining their brightest. As a crisp breeze blows little leaves across the lake, we focus our attention on a pair of young lovers that are pearched on a single park bench. Their only company is each other, and they would not prefere it to be any other way. The young man had his arms placed over the young woman's shoulders like a shawl. Leaning her head onto his shoulder, the girl's long locks of soft, golden hair drifted down his chest like the rays of the morning sun. One of her twin buns brushed softly over the neck of her male companion. Even though he was a full head taller then the girl, she didn't mind having to shift her loving glare up to him. The couple is Serena and Darien; the couple who are more than what they seem. For over a thousand years their love has lasted, and over time, it has just gotten stronger. They've been through thick and thin; and they have always eventually come out together. As the moonlight shined on Darien and Serena, everything around them seemed to sparkle and shine as if it were all in some dream; a REAL dream. It was the end of a perfect evening, and they didn't want it to end. As Serena layed her head on his shoulder, he let out a sigh of relief. Even though the tweed jacket he wore made her cheek itch, she ignored it. Nothing could spoil this perfect evning. A sturdy voice took Serena out of her chain of thought. "Serena," Darien said. "Tonight was so great. I love it when it's just us two together." After hearing this, Serena let out a quiet and happy giggle. "Oh Darien, I couldn't agree more." She looked up at Darien, expecting to see a look of pure love, but was suprised to see a nervous look on his face. With a nervous yet serious feeling, Darien gathered enough confidence to speak what his thoughts. He turned to Serena, and began to speak in a soft and loving tone. "Serena, I really want to tell you that, I.... I.. um... really... Lo..." He finally got the courage to bring it out. It was hard for Darien to admit, but he knew it was hard for him to express emotion. He thought to himself "I really Love you." He was relieved to get it out. Serena, on the other hand, was totally the oppisite. With no hesitation at all, she replyed with all her feeling. "Oh! Darien! I love you too!" She quickly threw her arms around him in a warm hug. He returned the hug, and then leaned down to kiss her. It was a deep and passionate kiss, full of the love and spirit that had lasted for so many centuries. It may have lasted for only a minute or two, but to Serena it was like a eternity of bliss. She couldn't wish for more. They gently released. Before Serena could speak another word, Darien put his finger gently on her lips, signaling her to not talk. "Serena, I'm not done yet." Serena was a little concerned but forgot when he gently held up her hands and began to speak softly. "I love you with all my heart, and because I do, I want to spend the rest ofmy life with you." As Serena smiled and wanted to speak, she went into shock when he got down on his knees and pulled out a ring box. "Serena, my darling, will you marry me?" Serena screamed in delight as she threw her arms around him. The only thing she could manage to put out was "Yes! Yes!" As she wiggled with joy, he opened the box and slipped the ring on her finger. It was a small, golden ring. In the center, a white crescent moon diamond rested. It sparkled in the light so beautifully! Around the crescent diamond was little round circular diamonds, each a beautiful shade of pastel pink. Of course, Serena being Serena, her instant next thought was Again, they passionately kissed, and this time even longer. As he slowly released, Darien suddenly looked at her with the wierdest expression, and said...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Serena! wake up!" "What?" "Serena!" Serena began to open her eyes. "Serena! Wake up! I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes now!" "Luna? No! It was just a dream! No! Oh Luna let me go back to sleep, please!" Serena screamed and started crying. Luna let out a sigh. "You were dreaming about Darien again, weren't you." "Ya." Serena said in a sad voice. She didn't know how a dream could be that real. "Well you had better hurry, lazy bones, you were supposed to meet the scouts at raye's temple ten minutes ago! Hurry! Get up!" "I don't wanna!" Serena Whined. "You've got to." Luna said. "No." "Serena!!" "Oh, alright," Serena moned as she got up. As she sat up, she gasped. "Luna! Where is Reenie? Didn't she sleep here last night?" "You ACTUALLY care?" "Well, she does sleep here so often that I thought something might be wrong." "So, you admit you care for the little girl?" "No Way!! That little SPORE? Give me a break! Now Tell me luna! Where is she?" Luna sighed. "She left your bedroom earlier this morning because of your constant gibber-gabber about Darien." A sweat drop appeared on Serena's head. "I was talking in my sleep?" A little voice came from her bedroom doorway. "Not only do you talk, but you smooch, too." Serena turned around to see Reenie peeking through the doorway. "YOU LITTLE SPORE!!" Before Serena could chase Reenie out, Luna called her and told her to get dressed. "Oh ya!! The Meeting!" Serena replyed. ************************************************************************** Up high in the sky, Rubius' Floating space craft hovered above Tokyo. Inside, Rubius stood near the center awaiting the Wiseman. Rubius was a tall and skinny man. He had bright red hair, and the most evil grin on his face. He was total scum. The Scouts have dealt with him so many times, and each time he seems to be even more evil. The Wise Man Was always late, but today Rubius just didn't have the patience. Today the wiseman was sharing a new plan he had invented, that promised revenge on those scouts that always gave him so much trouble. After what seemed a mellinium to Rubius, a bright light showed through the ground in the center of the craft, and the wiseman appeared in the middle of the light. He was holding a crystal ball, and he moved his hands over it in a circular motion. You might want to call it a gracefull motion, but scum as evil as the Wiseman deserved no such term. "Hello wiseman. I am ready to hear out this plan of yours." "Good. It is a fool proof plan Rubius. I don't see any way it can fail. Even though it is fool proof, that dosn't mean you can't still screw up.." This insulted Rubius, but he was too focused on hatred and revenge to take action. The wiseman continued. "First of all, take this." The Wiseman handed Rubius a green sack. Rubius sneered, and opened the little bag. Inside was a pile of green sand dust. He then replyed "What is this? Sand?" "No you fool. It is a LARGE part of our plan." "What does it do?" The Wiseman continued to explain the purpose of the sand. As Rubius found out what it did, he expressed the most evil grin he had in a long time. At the thought of that, rubius let out a evil laugh that rang through the walls of the ship...... ************************************************************************** On the way to Raye's temple Serena ran as fast as she could. She knew Raye would be really mad if she was any later than she already was. (Luna had a hard time keeping up!) As Serena ran, she thought to herself about the dream she had just had. As she ran, suddenly she smashed into something hard. It was Darien, of course. Being at the hight he was, she smashed into his chest, causing bolth to fall onto the ground. Her legs were sticking up in the air, right in his face. He was doing his late morning jog. After he gathered himself, he blurted out "Serena! Watch where you're going!" A sweat drop appeared on Serena's head. "Uh he, um sorry Darien. I'm late." Darien rolled his eyes. "I'm not suprised." Luna couldn't help herself. "I'm not either." Darien smiled and let out a small laugh. Serena turned around angrily. "Luna! Stay out of this!" A sweat drop apeared on Luna's head as Serena continued. "I'm really sorry Darien." Darien let out a sigh, and said "It's okay Serena." Suddenly Serena thought of her dream. She couldn't bear to watch Darien walk off without saying anything about it. Serena hesitated. Trying to thing of an ecsuse to leave was hard for him, so he just ended up saying "I'd better be on my way." Out of nowhere Serena said "Well it can't be just a coincidence we keep running into eachother, Darien. I know it isn't." "Serena, don't start with me. I just don't feel like arguing today." Darien said as he got up. He then coldly said "Goodbye." She couldn't stand it. "Darien, wait!" Serena said. "Please don't just walk off!" Darien just kept walking. "Serena! We've got to get going! We were supposed to be at Raye's temple twenty minutes ago!" Luna said. Serena didn't hear Luna. She was watching Darien walk off. Luna tried again. "Serena!" Still no responce. Luna got impatient. "SERENA!!" "Oh, sorry Luna." She said in a slow and sad voice. "I'm on my way." * * * * * * * * * * As Serena began to climb the temple steps, she saw five angry figures standing at the Temple entrance. "Serena! Where have you been?" Said a concerned Amy. "Probably slept in." Raye said in her usual tone. Artimus let a sigh out and said "Serena, you've got to get up earlier." "Sorry guys. My alarm didn't work." Serena said. Luna rolled her eyes. "Maybe it would work if you set it, Serena." A sweat drop appeared on Serena's head as everyone laughed. "That might be a good idea!" Said Mina jokingly. "Uh hehe!" Serena was a little imbarassed, but the main thing on her mind was Darien. * * * * * It took a while, but Luna finnaly got everyone settled down. "Okay. Lets get down to buisness," Lita said. They all agreed. Luna and Artimus sighed in relief. Before the meeting could officially begin, Raye jerked as she felt something bad. Luna got a bad feeling too. Serena noticed Raye's expression. "What's wrong, Raye? "I need to read the fire." * * * * * The four girls and two cats sat behind Ray as she read the fire. Raye asked for silence. Serena was having a hard time with this. After several minutes of actual silence, Raye spoke. "Evil. Near here. Definitly from the Dark Moon." The fire showed images of a monster terrorizing bystanders at a local convinience store. "Scouts! Let's go check it out!" Said Artymus. "Right!" They said in unison. "MOON STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "MARS STAR POWER!" Once the scouts were transformed, they took off, leaving Luna and artimus behind. They arrived at the scene to find a monster terring up the surroundings. This had to be one of the ugliest monsters the scouts had ever seen. It must have been at least six feet tall, with long stringy hair covered in a orange and green slime. It had one head, but several eyes and three noses. It's legs were covered in dark brown hair, and its feet were huge extending out gross looking webbed toes. As the monster terrorised the by-standers, he stopped to the sound of female voices. "I AM SAILOR VENUS!" "I AM SAILOR MERCURY!" "I AM SAILOR MARS!" "I AM SAILOR JUPITER!" "AND I AM SAILOR MOON! AND IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, WE WILL RIGHT WRONGS AND TRIUMPH OVER EVIL! AND THAT MEANS YOU!" With that the monster let out an evil laugh; "So, the Sailor Scouts!!!" "Thats right! Prepare to be moon dusted!" Before Sailor Moon could even begin her attack, the monster threw a nega-moon attack. The evil energy hit the scouts with full force and knocked them down. "Let me take this one!" Yelled Jupiter with enthusiasm. With force in her voice, she yelled "JUPITER THUNDER, CRASH!!" The blast hit the Monster with incredible force, causing it to be knocked five feet in the air and to the ground with a loud 'BOOM'. It was time to take advantige of the situation. "SAILOR MOON! Use your sceptor!!" Yelled Venus. "Right! MOON...SCEPTOR....ELIMINATION!!" With a strong blast the Sceptor blasted the Monster. It screamed in pain as the blast of good energy engulfed it; killing it. Out of no where, the scouts heard a evil male laugh. Suddenly Rubeus appeared. "Rubius! Ha! Once again we spoiled your plans! When are you going to learn that you can't beat us?" Yelled Sailor Mars. "You Sailor Scouts! So Pitifull. You think it is that easy to defeat me? Well, I'll just have to teach you a lesson." With that, he dissapeared. As he dissapeared, a pale green sand dust fell over the battle grounds and on the scouts. A little puzzled, the scouts looked at eachother. "That was way too easy to beat." Said Mars. "A little suspicious if you ask me." Said Mercury. "What is this powder?" Said Sailor Moon. Sailor Mercury pulled out her little computer and started typing. "Hmm I can't get any readings on it. It appears to be harmless." "I don't know. I'm getting a wierd feeling about this..." Said Mars suspiciously. They began to discuss the powder, when Sailor Moon interrupted. "Hey! I have an idea!" Said Sailor Moon. "Oh no." Saild Mars. "Lets all go to the mall for Ice cream!" Mars groaned, and Amy kept typing. "Thats not such a bad idea." Said Venus. "Sounds like a plan!" Said Jupiter. "I'm not so shure we should, not knowing what this powder is." Said Mercury. "Oh Amy, like you said, It's harmless! Now 'kmon! Lets go get some ice cream!" Said Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon!" The scouts said angrilly in unison. Mars shoved Sailor Moon in the shoulder. "Dont say her name when she is transformed, SERENA!" "Oww Raye, that hurt!" Serena started to cry. Amy smelled a fight brewing, so she took the time to tell Luna and Artimus where they were going over the communicator. Serena and Raye continued to fight. "All I want is to go get ice cream at the mall! Is that too much to ask?" "Okay, fine! Just stop crying!" ************************************************************************** Serena, Lita, Mina, Amy, and Raye all walked into the Tokyo mall. The Tokyo Mall had to be the biggest mall in Japan. It was filled with millions of shops, restaraunts, beauty salons, and in the middle a huge playground for children. When people spoke of The Tokyo Mall, they always imphasised 'THE.' It was especially popular because of all the candy and Ice Cream shops scattered around. It being a Saturday, the Mall was crowded. The girls, trying to avoid the huge crowd (NOT including Lita!) went to a smaller section. Serena was drooling over a gorgeous Dress in a shop window as the girs proceeded to pull her away. "Serena, I thought you wanted Ice cream!" Raye Said Angrilly. Serena giggled in glee. "Speaking of ice cream...!" There they stood, right infront of the ice cream shop. Serena was in heaven. "So many flavors!" * * * * * After the girls had bought ice cream and chatted in a booth for a while, they decied to go window shopping. They spent hours glareing at things they were dying to buy. Lita spent half the time scoping out mall hotties. As the girls procceded to walk down the mall, Serena kept working on the cotton candy she had bought. Meanwhile, Down the hallway in a jewlery store, Darien was browsing the glass counters. He was looking at gold necklaces. Actually, he was browsing the engagement rings. This was his only way of being in remembrance of Serena, who he really dearly loved. It really hurt him to have to do this to her. **FLASHBACK** It was the middle of lastnight. Darien layed in bed. A overlooker would think him asleep, yet deep in his mind; the terror...... Darien woke up again in a cold sweat...that dream AGAIN.... He looked out the window to the starry sky; He remembered the happy times they shared on the Moon... He couldn't go back asleep. They were imbedded in his head: The images...again. Crystal Tokyo, was it? Why did that name race through his head? Serena...Serenity? He didn't know. And the voice...The Dredded Voice..... "For her safety, you MUST avoid her!" **END FLASHBACK** But, he knew it was for the best. It was just very comferting to look at the rings, knowing one day, for shure, he would be buying one for Serena. As he browsed, suddenly one caught his eye. It was a small, golden ring. In the center, a white crescent moon diamond rested. It sparkled in the light so beautifully.... It reminded him of Serena's eyes... And around the crescent diamond was little round circular diamonds, each a beautiful shade of pastel pink..... They reminded him of her love surrounding him..... It was so perfect! At the same time, the girls happened to be passing the jewelry store. As they looked at store windows, Mina spotted Darien. "Hey, Serena! Look at the jewelry store. Theres Darien!" Serena Gasped. "Huuuh! Darien?" He could hear his name from a million miles away. He turned around to see the five girls, including Serena. "Darien?" Even though he was suprised she didn't run up to him and hug him, he smoothly walked away from the counter, pretending again to be there for a gold necklace. "Darien! What are you doing here?" "It's called a mall, Serena. I'm shopping." "Oh." Serena didn't know it, but she had cotton candy smeared all around and over her lips. {Authors Note: I think you know what Darien was wishing he could do!} Darien noticed. "Getting a little messy, here, aren't we?" The Girls saw what he was talking about, and giggled. "What?" Asked Serena. Raye couldn't help but answer. "Oh Serena, you're so clumbsy! You have cotton cany smeared all over you." Everyone laughed, including Darien. Serena put a sneaky smirk on her face. "Well, Darien, aren't you going to help me get it off?" "Oh Give me a break!" Said Raye. Before Darien could respond, a man with bright red hair caught his attention. The man walked up close to the girls. Before Darien could say anything, the man set some wierd looking device on the plant behind them and ran. "RUN!" The Girls looked at him like he was crazy right as the device exploded. Darien flung himself infront of Serena, taking all of the blast. The Blast sent all of them and bystanders flying. Serena and Darien hit the hard, Marble, Mall floor with a loud 'thump' (in a very questionable position!). As the dust cleared, Serena noticed Darien's body on top of hers. Lita groaned and said "Are you guys okay?" She herd no responce. Serena's concerned voice came through the silence. "Darien?" "Serena!" Yelled Lita. "Lita!" "You okay?" "I think so, but Darien shure isn't." Lita noticed the position they were in and couldn't help but let out a little giggle. "Darien? Can you hear me?" Serena herd a groan. "Darien?" "Serena?" Darien said in a groggy voice. "Darien!! You saved me!" Just as He was about to reply, Mall security ran twards the area. They had called an ambulance and the Tokyo police. Not only did police and ambulance's arrive, but a swarm of news reporters, snapping pictures of the scene. The Girls were now consious, and standing up. *************************************************************************** Later that evining, and After hours of questioning, Darien and the girls left the mall. They were discussing what could have possibly caused the explosion in the parking lot. "I don't know.... It was rather suspicious..." Said Serena. "How'd you know that a bomb was there, Darien?" Asked Raye. "Well, A mop of bright red hair behind Lita caught my attention. He set something on the plant behind Us, and when I looked at it closely, I thought it was a bomb." "Bright Red Hair? Sounds like Rubius.... Who else would want to do something like that to us?" "Na, couldn't be him." Serena said with a smirk. "Why not?" Said Amy. "He dosen't know who the Sailor Scouts are! Duh." A sweat drop appeared on everyone's head. Just as Lita was about to reply, they herd a loud and blunt laugh behind them. "Oh, but you are wrong, Sailor Moon." They turned around to see a Man with bright red hair and a evil grin. "RUBIUS!!" They said in unison. "You Sailor Bratts don't have a clue! They all were shocked. He laughed, and said "You are probably wondering how I know who you are. Well. All I have is two words for you: green powder! A little of the Wiseman's tracking dust did the job....." With that, the Sailor Scouts were revealed. Knowing evil slime from the Nega-Verse like Rubius, their Identities were not quite as Secret as they used to be.... Rubius bellowed the most evil laugh that Raye had ever herd. "What are you going to do now?" "Can The chat, you nega-sleeze! You want a battle? You got one!" Yelled Raye. Once again, they transformed. "MOON STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "MARS STAR POWER!" "I AM SAILOR MOON! AND IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, WE WILL RIGHT WRONGS AND TRIUMPH OVER EVIL! AND THAT MEANS YOU!" "Who is your boyfriend, Sailor Moon?" Rubius said in a mocking type of voice. "I AM TUXEDO MASK!" Darien transformed infront of Rubius without hesitation. "Battle? Who asked for battle? I just wanted you to know that The Wiseman and I are watching. See you 'round, Sailor Scouts!" With that he laughed and dissapeared. The Scouts and Tuxedo Mask stood there speachless. "What are we going to do?" Asked Sailor Moon. "We can't go home! He knows who we are!" Venus said sadly. "I'm SO tired! I really need some sleep." Said Mercury. After silence floated between the group for several minutes, Tuxedo Mask broke it. "Let's go tell Luna and Artimus. Maybe they will have an idea." The girls agreed, and the six de-transformed. They were about to head for the temple, when Darien asked "Where are you girls going?" "Darien! We just agreed to go to Rayes temple and tell the cats!" "Why walk when we have wheels?" He asked. The girls hit themselves over the head and fell to the ground. As soon as Darien unlocked his car, and before a word could have been spoken, Serena DASHED for the front seat, opened the door, and hopped in. "Shot Gun!" She yelled. There were only three seats in the back, so someone had to sit with Serena. Lita sarcastically suggested Raye, but before she could finish her sentance, Darien's quick reaction {Authors Note: or should I say reflex!} was yelling "No Way!" Everyone laughed, except for Serena and Raye. Before a fight could start, Mina ran, jumped into the seat with Serena, and shut the door. Mina had the funniest looking smile on her face. Lita and Amy laughed, and piled in. Raye had a scowling look on her face as she was the last to get in the car. *********************************************************************** Meanwhile, in Rubius' Floating space craft, Rubius stood infront of one of the mirrors looking into his reflection. He was running his fingers through his bright red hair. He thought to himself. He smiled to himself with that thought. As he proceded to look into his reflection, a noise from behind startled him. "Rubius... you had better have good news to report." It was the wiseman. "Infact, I do, wiseman." "Well? Speak up." Rubius smiled to think that the plan had proceded accordinly. "I successfully used The Green Powder you gave me on the Scouts." The wiseman let out an evil laugh. "You mean you ACTUALLY suceeded! Ha Ha... Wonderfull. Now we can proceed onto the next part of the plan." Rubius was glad that the Wiseman was pleased, but was a tad insulted that he wasn't told about the next step. "And what might that be?" The Wiseman Let out another laugh, and asked Rubius "Come close to me." Rubius was a bit puzzled, but did as his master said. As Rubius approached the Wiseman, a bright blue beam of energy shot from The Wisemans hand to Rubius' forehead. "Wa.. What are you doing?" Rubius asked. "You will never know." Before Rubius could react, the beam fufilled it's purpose. The beam erased all of Rubius' memory of the past day. He lost the memory of the Green Powder, the memory of discovering the Scouts Identity, and reporting to the wiseman. The wiseman stopped the beam, and Rubius dropped to the floor onto his knees. When he finally gathered himself, he had no recolection of what just happened. Suprised to see the wiseman in his space ship, he asked "Oh.. Wise man.. what is your wish?" The wiseman was pleased that the beam worked, and answered "I want you to assign a monster to attack Tokyo park in two days." Rubius was suprised. "Why in two days? Why not now?" This made the wiseman a tad angry. "You DARE question my orders?" "No, Sorry... I'll get to it right away." Rubius dissapeared, and as soon as the wiseman was shure he was gone summoned the big part of plan two. "Come forth, mistress of the dark moon." A woman submerged out of a mirror, but was in the shadows so you couldn't see her face or body. "I am here to serve you, wiseman." "Begin part two of our plan... I have prepared Rubius. You know what to do, right?" With a evil grin, the mistress of the Dark Moon replyed "I am ready, wiseman. I will begin." The wise man dissapeared as the Mistress of The Dark moon let out the most evil laugh you have ever heard..... ********************************************************************* Darien's car, holding the five girls and himself, pulled up to the front of the temple. They made their way up the temple steps. When Serena spotted Luna and Artimus, she glulped and said in a sad voice "Hey guys, we've got some seriously bad news." The Scouts continued to tell Luna and Artimus about their most recent run- in with Rubius. "What are we going to do?" Said Mina. They all thought for a minute. "Well I'ts late, and we all need some rest. For tonight, lets all just go home. But tomarrow we need to stay in pairs untill we know what to do. Everyone keep your communicator by your bedside." Luna Said. She was definetly worried. * * * * * The three girls and Artimus headed for home. Raye went inside the temple, and Darien headed out to his car. Serena grabbed Luna and shot after him. "Darien, Wait!" "Ya?" He expected to have to tell her No about their relationship again. "Could you give me and Luna a ride home? If I'm any later, I'm going to be in trouble. Please?" Darien hesitated, but gave in when Luna and Serena displayed the most innocent look on their faces. "Well, Okay." * * * * * It being past Serena's cerfew, her parents were waiting in the living room, looking out the window. Dariens car pulled up in front, and Serena got out with Luna. she said goodbye, and he drove off. "Luna?" "Yes?" "Why is he so cold?" Before she could answer Serena, her parents came out of the house and sarcasticlly greeted her. *********************************************************************** The next morning, Serena woke up to her Mothers voice. "Serena!" With a groggy voice, Serena replyed. "Ya, Mom?" "Phone Call for you!!" "Coming." A minute passed. "SERENA!!" "I'm Coming!" Serena finally got herself out of Bed, and went downstairs. She picked up the phone, and said "Whoever this is, you had better have a good reason for calling so early." "Oh Serena! I'ts already 10:30!" It was Mina's voice. "Oh! Hey Mina. Whats up!" "You havent seen the paper today, have you?" Mina Giggled. "No." "You might want to go see. Oh! Gotta Go! Bye! "Bye!" Right as she hung up, the phone rang again. "Hello?" She said, still in a groggy voice. "Hey Serena! It's Lita!" "Hey Lita." "Have you seen the paper this morinig?" She said as she laughed. "No." "You might want to see!" She laughed again. "Okay. Bye Lita. I'm going back to bead...." Right before Lita could say even bye, Serena hung up the phone. As she headed twards the stairs, the phone rang again. "WHAT!!" Yelled Serena. "Serena! I'ts Amy! You okay? "IF YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME TO READ THE NEWSPAPER, I WILL!!" "How'd you know?" Serena screamed and almost hung up. "Wait!" Yelled Amy. "What." "You really should--" "Bye Amy." With that she hung up the phone. She headed twards the stars, but stopped. She headed back to the phone, but it didn't ring. She gave up and headed up the stairs. As she was half way up, the phone rang again. Serena Screamed. It had to be Raye. She picked up the reciever, and yelled "RAYE!! I KNOW! CHECK THE NEWSPAPER!" It wasn't Raye. A male's voice answered. "Serena! It's not Raye, it's Darien." "Let me guess. Check the newspaper. I'll do it once I catch more sleep!!" "No, Serena, you REALLY need to look at the newspaper." "Fine!" Serena hung up and went back up to bed. Right as she settled back in, she herd her father yell. "SERENA!!!!" She replyed "NO MORE PHONE CALLS!!" "GET DOWN HERE!" With that, she knew he ment buisness. She rushed down the stairs. At the bottom, she ran into her dad holding up the newspaper. "Have you seen THIS yet?" He was obviously FURIOUS! Serena looked to find a picture of the bomb accident at the mall the day before. "Big Deal! Okay, so we got caught by suprise! We are all fine now!" When she looked at the picture more closely, she gasped when she realized why everyone had been calling......... **************************************************************************** End of Part one......... ^_^ For once we leave off NOT with a bad guy winning and the scouts down and loosing!! I'm trying to be A LITTLE original here!!! Stay tuned for Part two!! You'll find out why Serena's Dad is so mad....... And a visitor that comes to Dariens door is more than just a visitor... Please E-mail me with all of your comments, corrections, and whatever else! Ya, the story is moving sort of slow.. But it is really going to start picking up in part two and especially three. Sailor November birkrules@california.com (faster responce) frying_pan@hotmail.com 7-08-97 12:32 am PST 7-20-97 4:00 pm PST 7-24-97 1:27 am PST