Congratulations! You are the visitor since July 20, 1997!

the thought garden

Things That I Love

My Quote Of The Week

A Letter From The Lord

"Daphne" A Short Story

Greetings everyone!
Well I have lovely news. I am now the proud owner of a car.(Hurray!)
It is a blue-green '93 Chevy Cavalier and I love it. It is so cool
being able to go places.But I never realized how much they
cost AFTER you pay for them! I thought $10 of gas would
be plenty, but it's NOT. How awful. Everyone is out to get your
money, in case you didn't know. I am presently working on uncovering that
particular scam. I will let you know when I am finished my research. I figure I should
make plenty money, what with the book deal and movie offers I should
undoubtedly be getting.
Anyway. Other things that are happening in my life-I am going to college. I have
been trying to decide what for and I think I have decided to major in psychology but I
will just go and decide when I am there. Psychology should be pretty cool, though.
Well, that's it for now...
Oh yeah! This is just a temporary decor that you see before you.
I was sick of the other one. I am working on a permanent look.
See ya later...

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