Bethannie's "Booger Red's" Homepage

Hey, my name is Bethannie, my nick name is Booger Red cause I have red hair. I'm 8 years old and live in Harrison, Arkansas. I go to school in Harrison, in Mrs. Robert's 2nd grade class. She's the bestest teacher in Harrison.

My sister is Tiffannie and she's really old, 18! She thinks I'm a brat, but I'm not! Sometimes she's really nice to me, sometimes, he he!!

I have a dog named SHORTY and two fish. Shorty and I play together, and the fish don't do anything much!!

My sister has a homepage, and so do mom and dad. We have fun on the computer, I like reading the Disney page and collecting pictures. I love to draw and read story books.

I have a best friend, Jessie, we talk on the phone all the time and sometimes I spend the night with her and her mom and dad, Lynn and Elvis. They're very nice folks.

My mom and dad are great too!! I also have a god-mother and god-father and god-sister too. They are Karen and Bill (Stubby) and Tina. Tina and I play together in my room, she has two cats and is 10 years old now.

I love Dolphins and Whales, someday I might be a Marine Biologist, or maybe a Veterinarian, cause I love horses and ponys too. Mom and Dad are getting me the whole collection of the "Pony Pals" books. I read about horses and ponys all the time. Maybe someday I'll get a pony of my very own!

So, I'm gonna put some pictures on this page, they are some of my favorite pictures. I have added some pictures of whales and dolpins and porpoises, they are really neat too!

Hope you like them!!

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These are Orca Whales, they love to play!

Dolphins are very smart!

This is one of my favorite stories, Lion King

I would love to see the Whales at Sea World, wouldn't you?

Someday I want to swim with the Dolphins!

Beautiful Creatures!

Isn't Flower the cutest skunk you ever saw!

Angels and Things(my mom's homepage):
Tom's Pit Stop Racing (my dad's homepage):
Tiffannie's Tummy Ticklin Homepage(my sister's homepage):
Circle of Dolphins:

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