Heavenly Angel

Heavenly Angels or Everyday People?

Do you know someone who seems to be an Angel on Earth? Could it be possible that God sent us some "almost" Angels to watch over us and inspire us to be the best we can be?

The ones that care when you're down, cry when you cry and rejoice when you are happy. They ask nothing in return. They wear their hearts on their shirt sleeve. They believe everyone tells the truth and is pure of heart. Many times they are hurt, but they never fail to forget the hurts done to them and continue to try to help the hearts of others.

It may be your neigbor, a child, a person at work, or just someone you meet once. They make an impression that you will never forget and they make us want to be like them.

You will know them by their smile, for their hearts shine with love.

Story Number 1 "The Teenager"

Parents have had trouble with teenagers since the beginning of time. Our family was no exception, our oldest daughter, turned 16 years old and lost her mind. She began doing drugs, lying, stealing and even running away from home. She stole the family car and wrecked it. We were at a lost, we tried couseling. We sent her to a youth home. Nothing we tried worked.

Talking to a friend at work about the problem, I told Anita "I don't know what to do!" After a good cry and several hugs, Anita suggested that her daughter, Merinda, invited my daughter to the church youth group. Merinda called Tiffannie and surprisingly she agreed to go. She had fun, found other kids who she could talk too. They went places, played music and had fun. They told her of Gods love for her and they excepted her for herself. My daughter, over a period of months changed. There were other problems, but they became less and less. Maybe it was her growing up, but I think it was more the quite influence shown to her by two loving Earth Angels.

Both Anita and her daughter Merinda, were a loving influence, excepting, guiding, showing their love for any human being. In may have been a small influence but, it made a big difference in our family.

Thank you Anita and Merinda for sharing your love of God and showing a troubled family the light.

God Bless these two Earth Angels

They have certainly blessed us!