Below you will find links to people that have become like family to me . They helped to pull me through many rough roads. So to you my friends, Yes, you!! The ones that are listed here, please know that I love you all so very much. Take Care and GOD BLESS ! I love you all, Sassy Cajun

My Family on the Web !!

Yodey's Home page
Yodey, has been a very good friend to me.. Her web page is full of wonderful links. I hope that if you do decide to visit her, please sign her guest book.
MrFixIt's Home page!
What a wonderful man. He has helped me with my home page. Actually he is the one who made it for me. He is in the process of teaching me how to do this html stuff.
Viola's Home page
She is a very lovely woman who I met in the poetry area of MGH. Viola, my hat off to you for the wonderful praises you give to those that write. You are so inspirational to me. Thanks!
GOOSE, Here you are!
This a another dear friend that I met in the Chit Chat room. He is one funny person. Goose is now suffering from RSD. A very painful and debilitating disease. I love you GOOSE!!
Butterflies 3 Home page
Butterfly, is my best friend in this world. We met many years ago working at the same place.. Today she is a paralegal. Hey, girlfriend. Call me sometimes would you!
Kait's Home page
Kait is someone that I met in the Chit Chat room.. She is a very sweet person , and a joy to talk to when we do get to do so. Kait, stay sweet.
Deans Home page
To you my dear friend. I wish you all the love, peace and joy in the world. My friend always know that I will forever be here for you and Liz.
Janet's home page!
For you my friend. Whom I admire so very much. I draw strength from you. Yet you never seem to tire of sharing it with me. You are so special. Thanks for being my friend.