This is the first installment of the Mix and Match series for photos taken in the United States. For fans of the Say_Cheez Photo Gallery, I'm sure most are saying, "Well, it's about time..."

Now most of these photos were taken months ago. I'm just now getting to downloading them on the Internet.

Now there's something to discuss... Is the word, 'Internet' spelled with a capital or lower-case, 'I?' Not that it's keeping me up at night, but it's just one of those things that you wonder, and afraid to ask.

Mix and Match, Part IV

The tree

On the last visit to the midwest, I made sure to visit my old home at Fort Riley, Kansas. There across the street was this old tree, and as an 11-year-old, I climbed only to fall off, breaking my arm into a pretzel. I kept think that when I was old enough I would come back to cut the damn thing down. But why? Can't blame a tree for my own stupidity...



This is a sign for the Comfort Inn - the latest motel to grace its prescence in Shenandoah County. The sign, located in Woodstock, is well over 100 feet tall. My editor told me that there were men on the sign and felt it would be a good photo opportunity.

When I got there, there was one guy working the lift, while the other was actually inside the sign. It kept rotating to the right, so it begged the question, "Is there something wrong with the motor inside the sign?" The guy at the lift could only chuckle and say, "It's suppose to be stationary."

But he was nice enough to let me go up in the lift for the second photo. I can tell you it surprised his partner when he looked out and heard someone say, "Smile."

the moon and clouds

This was taken during the lunar eclipse earlier this year. The only problem, was that I had to hold the aperture wide open for the shot, and with the low level clouds racing across the sky, a clear was not possible. But the end result still looks impressive.

taking off
Every so often, someone at the Shenandoah Memorial Hospital, in Woodstock, Virginia, needs to be taken to the trauma center in Charlottesville. Driving time is usually about 2 hours - give or take. Pegasus will take about 30 to 45 minutes depending upon the weather.

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