So why am I making a page like this?
Just about every page on this website is a tribute with either a
somewhat serious or comic tone... Well, the 'chalk line' around the
animals still proves that I have a sense of humor, granted that it
may be a bit twisted.
Even as I was taking the pictures, people driving by had to be
wondering, "What's he doing?" Just pretending to be a police
photographer at a murder scene.
Seeing all the animals on the side of the road is distinctly
American. Everywhere else I've been, traveled, there are no animals
on the side of the road -- at least, not as many as I've seen since
moving here in February '99.
Ever wonder why so many dead animals are either in the middle of the
road or on the side? Makes you think they were killed purposely...
After all, who drive so close to the shoulder of the road, or
directly in the middle of it?
So to the drivers out there: while, at times, it may be unavoidable
to miss an animal traveling down the highway, it doesn't mean you
have to run over them...

Skunk: Route 211 toward Timberville, Virginia

Groundhog: Route 11 north of Woodstock, Virginia

Rabbit: Route 11 outside Mount Jackson, Virginia

Deer: Interstate 81, northbound, mile marker 282, south of
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