~Ms. Fro~


Want to Belong to Something?

We all want to belong to stuff, some more than others. I'm no exception. I have included a list of different things you could join, either Monkee related, or minpin related. Enjoy!

The Micky Mob Club!-- Like Micky? Love him? Well, this is the place to belong. Once every two or three months, Claire Walton sends out this awesome newsletter through U.S. Mail. It's pretty cheap, and members send in stories or whatever. E-mail Claire at: MickyD137@AOL.com. Tell her ~Ms. Fro~ sent you.

Ok, so you want something ON-LINE, right? But you REALLY dig Mick.. I have the answer! It's a new newsletter in the making, about Micky! And once again, the members "put it" together! E-mail Claire at luvdolenz@juno.com

I understand, you got to this page because you like MINPINS! Well, I have TWO minpin list you could join. One involves rescuing, but is also a place where you can share stories, etc. Go to: http://www.cygnus.uwa.edu.au/~mglsim/saluki.html. It has information about past rescues and how to join, etc. Check it out today!

This one isn't a rescuing list, just a nice, relaxing, chat about your "baby" list. Share stories, ask questions, chat on Tuesday's, loads of fun! Check out Terri Snider's, the list adminstrator, webpage to find out how to join. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/1256/ or e-mail Terri at crysimag@soltec.net

For more information about either Miniature Pinschers, or The Monkees, go to www.yahoo.com or www.altavista.com or any other seach engine, and type in minpins or monkees.

If you have any questions or comments about this page e-mail me at the above address. Or if you have a webpage that is either Monkee or Minpin related that you would like me put up a link, just let me know. Any monkee stories, poems, or clubs I would be more than to "promote". Same goes for minpins.

MY MAILING LIST: IT'S A MONKEE MAILING LIST! Come gab, swoon, jabber, or whatever about your favorite Monkee! Exchange stories, poems, whatever! Make friends! Interested? Go join the Monkee Lover Mailing List

Favorite Food: Pasta and salad. Anyting meatless. (I'm a veggie)

Favorite Color: Blue and Tie-Dyed

Favorite TV shows: The Monkees! (duh) I also like "The Donny and Marie Show" "Friends" "Promised Land" "Will & Grace" etc, etc...

Favorite Past-time: Playing with Dianna, I also like reading and playing the piano. I also do sign language. That is when I'm NOT reading, thinking, singing or anything else Monkee related.

Yep, I know, it's short, but hey! So what! Peace!

Utterly Groovey Places To Go

Port Charles Online: For those General Hospital and Port Charles fans here is THE place to go!
P.O.Box 9847: The Monkees Greeting Cards: One of the best places to go to send Monkee cards online
TERRI'S PLACE: One word: Whippy! (go to see Beatles and Monkees stuff)
The Rainbow Room: Ever wonder just WHAT DID The Monkees say????
SHC.... up, up and away: SHC, a place for swoonies of The Monkees (like me)
You Must Be Joking: A continuous story about the Swooning Hippy Chicks
Donny and Marie: For those of you who like 'em. =)
MY MONKEE PAGE! MS FRO HAS A PAGE!: Come see my page! I'll be making it bigger and better! If you LOVE THE MONKEES COME HERE! COME! COME! COME!