Cracker Jack Hits New Low With Prizes.

Plano, TX-In a highly criticized move, Cracker Jack, the popular caramel popcorn and peanut snack, has cheapened their free surprise yet again. Frito-Lay, the company that owns Cracker Jack, has decided to downgrade the long-standing lick and stick tattoos and idiotic joke booklets with tiny pieces of blank, chopped up paper.

"It's confetti," said Maureen Gallagher, Frito-Lay's Vice President of Marketing. "Some cynics see it as a downsizing of the prize. We see it as a stroke of marketing genius. It says on the prize package, 'Collect 500 pieces and have your own ticker tape parade or New Year's Eve party!' It makes sense when you think about it."

Frito-Lay is already investigating the possibility of in the future simply inserting empty prize packages in with the units with written instructions for the kids on how to make their own confetti."

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