GOP Successfully Overturns Results of 1960 Election, Nixon Declared Winner.

West Palm Beach, Florida --- Inspired by recent events in the latest Presidential election, the Republican Party had filed an injunction to the 9th Federal Circuit Court of Appeals invalidating the popular and electoral votes that had elected ex-President John F. Kennedy over his rival Richard Nixon, now the 35th and 37th President of the United States. Nixon had lost the 1960 campaign by a popular vote margin of .02%.

Texas Gov. George Bush, the 43rd(?) President of the United States.

"We're overjoyed over the new outcome of what was a watershed Presidential campaign," said GOP presidential contender George W. Bush, who'd spearheaded the effort. "Now the American voter will get a chance to see what a Nixon administration would've been like throughout the 60's instead of the much lamer 70's."

Political analysts and other pundits, scrambling to rewrite history, theorize what a Nixon Administration throughout 1961-1965 would've consisted of:

The US Steel strike would've been resolved only with National Guard troops, the casualties being kept to an absolute minimum.
The retroactive abolition of the Peace Corps, thereby ensuring the Third World remains in its place.
The cancellation of the Apollo missions, commencing with the retrieval of the refuse left on the moon by the crews of Apollos 11-17.
The Tet Offensive, which had originally begun in January of 1968, would've been initiated around June-July of 1962 and would probably still be active today.
The economy would've begun its recession long before the actual one started by the second Nixon Administration of the 70's.
The Cuban Missile Crisis would result in the Western Hemisphere being immediately transformed into a glowing thermonuclear crater at the hands of the Russians.
The Bay of Pigs.

Richard Nixon, the 35th and 37th President as he would've looked in his fourth term.

In addition to these historical changes, Nixon also would've wiredtapped Kennedy campaign headquarters during his 1964 re-election campaign. The files would've then have been sent to deceased FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to use at his own discretion, most likely toward blackmailing Kennedy, Nixon, and the entire nation in his own quest for the presidency.

The late Senator Barry Goldwater, according to GOP officials, also would've been spared his humiliating defeat at the hands of the former 36th President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Regarded by Democratic Party officials as a petty volley against the state of Florida, whose questionable ballots are suspending the outcome of the 2000 election, Governor George W. Bush is also using his former position as co-owner of the Texas Rangers to contest certain officiating calls during the 1997 World Series which was, incredibly, won by the expansion team Florida Marlins.

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