You are visitor number since July 4th, 1998
My Icq number is 13148714 and I'm currently
Mellie's Asylum: This page belongs to a person who is special to me, check it out and sign her guestbook. She needs more signatures! : ) Shesrunningwithscissors: This is my sister's web page, the gallery of her illustration work is finally open, and there is a bunch of new stuff on the "Things that make you go Hmmmm" page. So check it out sometime! Jodi's Jungle:Well my best cyber buddy Jodi has finally got her own page, so go and check it out, it's cool and getting cooler by the minute, she's got some neat-o animations (I love the tiger one, tigers rule!!). Da Brat Page!: This page contains pics and links for members of the Brat Pack from Yahoo! Chat, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger, woohoo da Brats!!! Stick Figure World Productions: This is Curtis Mueller's homepage for his band, its a cool site and he helped my sister with her homepage (thx mate), so check it out, Curtis has recently added a new page on how to construct your own web page, so do yourself a favour and check it out. TuTu's Garden: This is TuTu's homepage, and it's a testament to all the hard work that TuTu has done to make this a very special site, take a look and see for yourself. Jean's Dreams: Check this page out, every time I go back there's something new and impressive. The World According to Carpe:This page is great, it belongs to a good friend of mine, and contains a great tribute to Chris Farley, one of my all time fave comedians, it also contains a little insight as to just who Carpe is, a funny and witty person you'll find, go there and see for yourself. CaRICatures: This page has some really funny stuff on it, and this guy is a very talented cartoonist, so give his pages a good long look. Stick Figure World Chat Room: This is Stick Figure Worlds own private chat room, a link and information when Curtis can be found in this room is also available on the Stick Figure World Productions home page.
Winamp skins made by myself and Curtis Mueller plus some links to my fave Winamp sites!!
Good Evening!
Welcome to my homepage, I've just completed what is the first of many major overhauls to my page, Ive added a few more links to my hot links list and a few little pieces of graphics, so have fun checking things out peeps, if you haven't already, check out my sisters page, she has done alot of work to hers too , and it is looking pretty shagadelic baby, also check out my new links and Curtis's page (which is awesome). And thanks for stopping by again if you have done before, and for those first time viewers a big howdy and welcome!! (My pages are best viewed in 800*600 resolution)
Thanks to all for the response about the Greetz page, I'm glad you all like it. You'll be happy to know that I have just completed work on my Sunsets page and the link can be found below, so have a bit of a look and enjoy the view.
Check out stats for my page here!!
A re
Y ou
This is a link to my own private chatroom, feel free to use it anytime, I hope you enjoy your stay!!
This is a link to a page created by Curtis and myself based around something Curtis created in on of his stick figure cartoons, it has become a monster, and turned us both into raving lunatics, so go there and read how weird we are...LOL!!!
If you decide to sign my guest book, I would like to suggest that you view it first and check out messages 23 and 24, they're quite amusing and they're real messages (thx to Morphine, whoever you are, for coming to my defense). And to the lame person who keeps spamming my guest book and who wrote entry 23, check your latest entry (entry 28), I think it you will find it funny, did you really think that I didn't have the power to delete or edit your pathetic attemps to get at me? Don't even bother wasting your time putting in another entry, or I will make you look ten times as foolish as the new entry you made has! Sign My
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