Live photo of Meantime opening for Gang of Four at the UCD Coffeehouse - 1981 - Photo by Liam O'Brien
Live Meantime photos by Robert Toren - 1980 - Palms Playhouse - Davis, CA
1981 - MEANTIME - EP - (Inbetween Records) - Two for One (Tolman)/She's So Wild (Gates/O'Brien)/Sex Fit (O'Brien). "Two for One" produced by David Gates of BREAD!!! A band formed by Sean O'Brien and Russ Tolman. Later this band became TRUE WEST. See Russ Tolman's page in the LINKS section for more TRUE WEST band history. Vinyl only release. For more information and personnel for this release, please see this link.
1981 - TRUE WEST - Band Photo by Teri Bolin
1987 - GERM'S CHOICE - (Germ Records 001) - "Close to His Kids" - DENIM TV. A compilation assembled by KUSF DJ Jim "The Germ" Smith in San Francisco; which featured Bay Area groups like PRIMUS, ESKIMO, and MONKS OF DOOM. This track later appeared on DENIM TV'S debut album. Vinyl only release.
1988 - DENIM TV - DENIM TV - (Peligro Records 001)- Side 1 - Mr. Adult/When You Kill That Cow/Finger Inside/OK Man I Will/Trouble Remembering/In the Bag - Side 2 - Can't Play Guitar/What You Spend/When We Do/Need It to Sleep/History Page/Close to His Kids. Produced by Matt Wallace and DENIM TV.
To read some archived reviews/live reports on DENIM TV, click DENIM TV PRESS.
1990 - STARVING RICH - DENIM TV - (Peligro Records 002) - Side 1 - Burning Bush/Bad Bus Ride/Purple and White/Embers/I'll Think of a Good One/We Capture - Side 2 - It's A Privilege/Dream Beach/All There for Me/Two Flies/Do the Same/Begging for Change. Produced by DENIM TV with Malcolm Fife.
Denim TV LPs now available on Itunes!!!
The Denim TV MySpace site is Here .
1991 - PRIAPIC SPIGOT, VOL. 1. - SUCTORIAN VENT - (Kobayashi Records) - "Didinium". A collaboration with Steve Steere of the Los Angeles based group TINTAMARRE. Sean sings backing vocals on this track. A cassette only compilation release.
1993 - SANTA FE - THE MISTAKEN - (Triple X Records 51126-2). Pale White Surfer/Medication/Santa Fe/4ST/My Black Dog/The Kingdom of My Mind/Another Lost Heartache/Tombstone/This House Is Not My Home/Black Sheep (SRC)/Nowhere Around/Sure It's Good/Venus in Furs (Lou Reed)/Lost. A collaboration with the ANGRY SAMOANS' Gregg Turner, Sean plays guitar and sings backing vocals. Features only one O'Brien original, "Sure It's Good". The remainder are Turner's tunes. Sean also co-wrote the opening instrumental, "Pale White Surfer". Produced by Bill Inglot. CD only release. To order a copy, contact Triple X Records or try this emusic link
If all you know about this record is that leader Gregg Turner was in the Angry Samoans, you are probably going to be shocked when you hear it. Turner and the band created a marvelous meld of retro garage-psych and art pop, with oddly naïve lyrics set to occasionally sloppy but often endearing music. Songs like "Medication" and "Kingdom of My Mind" have an enjoyable '60s vibe and boast some pretty tight guitar work, while the title cut shows that Turner can craft a fine piece of melancholy pop. The relaxed atmosphere is all the stranger for the company Turner was keeping -- Polly Klemmer of Pompeii 99 and the original Christian Death plays keyboards and sings an ethereal lead vocal on "Lost." There are some interesting cameo experiences, such as a vocal intro from rock critic Natalie Nichols on the intro to the cover of the Velvet Underground's "Venus in Furs." It's a good rendition, lower-key than the original but still intense. Not everything on Santa Fe works as well, but there are enough tracks that do to make this album worth seeking out for fans of eclectic '60s revisionism. ~ Richard Foss, All Music Guide
1999 - 12 - THE MARIETTAS - (First Cold Press - FCP 001). Pull An Elvis/Crime Spree/Sexcon/Tide of Chaos/A Day Without Worry/Observed/Weaving Down the Street/The Darkest Girl/Big Kindness/The Wheel/Katie Wore the Patches Low/On Display/Pure Substance/Crash/Cactus Embrace. Released 9/21/99. Produced by Eric Westfall and the Mariettas.