
Eyeball Type- These funny-looking guys has an eyeball and a mouth with a tail/leg to stand it up. Though lazy, they can be shaped up to be powerful monsters.

       84. Melon- Suezo/Dino             90. Suezo- Suezo/Suezo
       85. Rocky- Suezo/Golem            91. Woody- Suezo/Hare 
       86. Horn- Suezo/Tiger             92. Orion- Suezo/Gali
       87. Pink Eye- Suezo/Pixie         93. Bloodshot- Suezo/Monol
       88. Fly Eye- Suezo/Worm           94. Noro- Suezo/Naga
       89. Toothy- Suezo/Jell            95. Ray- Suezo/Plant

Rare Breeds
96. Looker- Suezo/???
97. Planet- Suezo/???
98. Beamer- Suezo/???

Average Lifespan: 5 yr

Best stat(s) at raising- Intelligence, maybe Life
Worst stat(s) at raising- Power, Defence

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