My Mallrats Tribute
Ahh Mallrats... the timeless tale of timeless love in a downtown
shopping complex. This is by far the funniest damn movie I have
ever seen.  People have bashed this movie again and again, calling
it "a far cry from Clerks" but this movie rules.  The main
characters, Brodie the comic book boy "Hey, I'm all MAN lady!" and
T.S. "...the mad phat chic killer!", fit my friends and I so
perfectly that I can't help loving this movie.  Jay and Silent Bob
finally get to shine in this movie.  They played crap roles in
Clerks but in Mallrats they make their move.  THEY ARE THE GREATEST!
Enjoy the pics and wav files I have posted because there's only one
cure for all life's problems.  "Ritual suicide?"  "NO! The f@#$ing
mall you idiot!" I would like to leave you with one parting thought...
Is the cookie stand part of the food court or merely an attonomous
unit for mid-mall snacking?


...And The Sounds

Mission Impossible: Jay and Bob plan the attack.
Mission Impossible Part Two: Umm... so the first time it didn't work but LaFours is going down... nooch.
Brodie, a man and his comics: Brodie gettin' buck.
Cookie stand: You be the judge.
The Force is strong with this one: Brodie encourages Silent Bob the young Jedi.
Bob speaks: Yoda has taught him well.
Mr. Toad's wild ride: Hey I want Mr. Toad's wild ride too.
Scorn Renee for Sega?: Just like a nightmare I once had.
Snootchie Nootchies!: Jay's token phrase.
Wacky game show: Jay sums it up.


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