Name:Adrienne Nicole Barger
Nicknames/Alias: [ From least recent(Top) to most recent(bottom) ]
- Luna
- Setsuna Chan
- Soma
- Yukiko
- Miko
Words that inspires me the most:
- Seraph
- Ocean
- Entropy
Date of Birth: February 27th, 1983
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac year:Pig/Wild Boar (Inoshishi)
Birth Place: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Presently living in:
- City: Tulsa
- Region: South-East
- State: Oklahoma
- Country: USA
ICQ number: 11950340
Ethnicity: Sweedish-German (White)
- Born and bred in the USA
Family & Year of Birth:
- Mom, Rhonda E.Link(1956)
- Stepdad, John B.Link(1963)
- Dad, David Carl Barger(1955)
- Stepmom, Joni C.Barger(1954)
- Sis, Felicia A. Barger(1986)
- Bro, Alec J.Link(1996)
Langauges known:
- English (First language)
- Latin
- Japanese/Kanji
- Spanish (¿si,Jeff? =p)
Langauges I want to learn:
- Cantonese
- Mandarine
- French
- BigBro Curt (Canada)
Best Friends IRL: (real/nicknames - alphabetical order)
- Anna, Asia,
Best Net Friends: (alphabetical order)
School presently attending:
- Booker T. Washington World Class Magnet High School [ Gr.9- Present(Gr. 10) ]
Schools attended:
- Walt Whitman Magnet Elementary School [Gr. K-1] (Tulsa)
- Cambridge Elementary School [GR 2-5]
- Nikolai Middle School (Cambridge, WI) [Gr.6]
- Deerfield Middle Shcool (Deerfield, WI) [Gr. 7]
- Badger Middle Shcool (West Bend, WI) [Gr. 7]
- Whitney Middle School (Tulsa, OK) [Gr. 8]
- Booker T. Washington Magnet Highschool [Gr. 9 & 10]
Pets & their names:
- (Currently) A Sun Conier [Bird] named Mango
- Nantucket Sewing and Design (over the Summer =)
Clubs/Teams/Organizations involved (past and/or present):
- Fencing Team
- Anime Club
Computer related hobbies:
- Working on this blasted contraption
- Internet browsing
- Chatting
Sports I like (not necessarilly good at):
- Fencing
- Canoeing
- Tennis
- Swimming
Other hobbies:
- Listening to Music
- Reading
- Hanging out @ Borders
- Star Gazing
- Annoying Curt >=p
- Cycling
- Travelling
Places I want to go:
- Japan!
- Glastonbury (pic)
- Canada ^_~
- Italy
- All the places in the world where my net friends are...
Things I collect when I happen to see them:
- Picture Frames
- Flowers and Herbs(to dry ~ have a bunch of 'em)
- Glass and Shells
- Letters and Cards my friends & relatives sent me
- Stickers
- Pictures of net friends
- Pics and Other stuff of Bands i like
Words or Phrases I use often:
- Oi! (Hey)
- Zoot ( a name for many adjectives =)
- Eeee! (aik!)
Dream cars:
- Saturn (Dont laugh =p)
The moments I'll never forget:
- April 20th, 1997 ~ First time on the internet ^.~
- May 18th, 1997
- August 27th, 1998
- October 10th, 1998 ~ Tori Amos "Plugged 1998"Concert
- November 11th, 1998
Coolest experiences in life:
- My Nantucket Summers ~ 1997 & 1998
- Meeting the Roselle Three in July 1998
Fave things to do in the..
- Going to Nantucket or Wisconsin/Illinois
- Star Gazing
- Sleep
- Outdoor Stuff
- Missing the Snow and Cold Weather
- Internet
Little-known talent I possess:
- Creativity Art-wise
Special skills or talents:
- I dont have to try in the least to shock people >=)
- Kick-ass slacker and i dont even try! (ha ha)
- I can make people laugh (at or with me =p)
Character traits I look for most in a person:
- Compassion
- Friendlyness
- Depth
Character traits I hate most about a person:
- Racist
- Apathy or Indefference
- to the hilt Cynicism or Sarcasm
- Misanthropism
The only boy i love more than curt =o)
Future Goals
- Meet Smashing Pumpkins (yeah RIGHT =p)
- Chef (Career)
- Have my own resturant (hopefully)
- Meet all of my close net friends
Denomination: Methodist Christian / Retired Wiccan Priestess
Church: Asbury United Methodist
Favorite CDs at the moment:
- Adore The Smashing Pumpkins
- From The Choirgirl Hotel Tori Amos
- Serpentine GallerySwitchblade Symphony
-How We Quit the ForestRasputina