Sailor Mercury

Name: Mizuno Ami
Meaning: Asian Beauty of Water
Element of Influence: Water
Birth Day: September 10, 1978
Heigth: 5'2"
Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Strength: Calculations, Memorization & Strategy
Weakness: Relaxing & Love Letters

Attacks: Shabon Spray/Shabon Spray Freezing/
         Shine Aqua Illusion/Aqua Rhapsody

   Sailor Mercury is Reincarnation of Princess 
Mercury.  She is what you'd call the "brains 
behind the outfit" of the Sailor Team.  She 
makes strait A's as Ami-chan and is all about 
the mind.  She is the physically the weakest of 
all the Senshi but makes her mark mentaly.  Her 
mother is a pediatrician and her father is an 
artist (such as myself) Ami-chan wants to be a 
Doctor.  Go figure.  ^_^

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