Sailor Uranus

Name: Haruka Tenoh
Meaning: Distant Heaven King
Element of Influence: Earth
Birth Day: January 27, 1978
Height: 5'8"
Hobbies: Car Racing, Track and Field
Favorite Color: Gold
Strengths: Car Racing
Weakness: Confessions, Skirts

Attacks: World Shaking/Space Sword Blaster

Haruka is a blunt tomboyish girl who loves 
race-car driving and dresses like a man.  She 
is a lover to Michiru/Sailor Neptune and is 
mistaken for a boy when she first appears in 
Sailor Moon S.  She is very possessive with 
Michiru as well as protective.  She is dominant 
and impulsive.

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SetsunaLuv's Sailor Moon Shrine