Sailor Venus

Name: Aino Minako
Meaning: Beautiful Little Child of Love
Element of Influence: Love
Birth Day: October 22, 1978
Heigth: 5'0"
Favorite Color: Yellow & Red
Strength: Relaxing & Idolizing Others
Weakness: Police

Attacks: Crescent Beam/Crescent Beam Shower/
         Venus Love Me Chain/?

Sailor Venus is Reincarnation of Princess Venus.
She is a major ditz as Minako-chan but is a pretty 
cool Sailor Senshi when push comes to shove. She 
was once know as the super-heroine, Sailor V until 
she met up with Sailor Moon and the others.  She 
has high goals and would like to become an idol.

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SetsunaLuv's Sailor Moon Shrine