You can't get anywhere without GOOD credit. I have compiled a Credit Repair Kit that will assist you in understanding credit, its related laws, and how to effectively deal with credit agencies in obtaining, understanding, and correcting your credit report. This kit can not, however, correct accurate, negative information that is on your credit report. We do, however, have several ways in which we can attempt to lessen the impact of the negative information.

Step by step instructions
Credit Laws and How they Affect you
The Truth in Lending Act
The Fair Credit Billing Act
The Equal Opportunity Act
The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act
The Major Credit Reporting Agencies
What to do after you receive your Credit Report
How to Build Good Credit
Secured Credit Cards: What they are and are they for you?

I have repaired my credit report and would like to help you do the same. I can not guarantee that these letters will be effective, because every person's credit situation is unique. Different agencies, different creditors handle certain situations differently. What I can guarantee is that these letters and tactics will be a better offensive tactic on your part, then just standing on the sidelines waiting for these agencies and creditors to correct their mistakes or your acceptance of bad credit and its negative and continuing effect on your life and the life of your family. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AND FIGHT!!!

DID YOU KNOW that you can remove a negative credit mark on your file if the creditor doesnt reply to your letter within a certain amount of time? What you include in the letter is crucial.

In this kit, you will receive example letters, step by step instructions on how to repair your credit file.

Its not hard to do, just time consuming. Once you send your first letter you need to calendar when to make your follow up phone calls and letters. I will show you how.

Because my kit is approximately 50 pages in length, I will need to ask you to cover the copying expense and postage and handling. If you are interested, please send check or money order in the amount of $14.95 ($10.00+ 4.95 for S&H) to:

Jo Seward, 915 Ross Way, Suite 1, Hanford, CA 93230

or email me with your comments below.