2. If you have a game scheduled, you show up to play, or you automatically forfeit the game. If you do not show up within a half an hour after the scheduled time, you are officially late, and the forfeit is official.
3. The information that you provide me with about yourself, must be true. If it is proven to be false, you will be kicked out of the league.
4. Do not send in false results from a game that you played. (Do not say that you won, when you lost.)
5. Do not send in false results from a fake game. I will ask the so called, "opponent" if you are lying, and if you are, I will kick you out of the league.
6. Do not use vulgor or harsh language towards another opponent. Talk to them, as you want them to talk to you.
DISCLAIMER: I have nothing to do with Westwood Studios. I am not an employee, a relative of, or even a friend of a person that works at Westwood. This league is for the sole purpose of having fun on my web site. Do not blame me for anything that happens on Westwood, or when playing another opponents, because I have nothing to do with the game taking place. It is on Westwood's program. Not mine.