Son Goku

Son Goku (Aka: Kakarot- his Saiya-jin name) He's the main character for most of the series (Gohan "takes over" the series when his father dies the second time). He starts the manga as a young and innocent boy with black spiky hair, a strange monkey tail and an expanding stick (nyoibo). Incredibly strong for his age (which he claims to be of 14 years but later we find out that he canīt count), he has one of the Dragonballs which he refers to as his Grandfather (it was the only thing that his Grandfather left before dying, so he considers it to posses his soul). Goku while carrying his lunch home (a giant fish that he killed with one kick) literally bumps into Bulma. After a brief discussion, and Bulma explaining the power that lies in the Dragonball, both leave to search for the Dragonball. It is in this way that the series of adventures begin. Soon after, both meet Kamessenin who then gives him his "first" magic cloud ( he frequently has it destroyed, but later we find out there's a bunch of them), also known as Kintoen. After some 17 mangas, Goku has had many adventures and friends and is already an adult, married (with ChiChi) and has a child (Songohan, he was given the same name as Goku's Grandfather). - On the TV series the name is changed to Dragonball Z- . By this time, with the coming of Goku's brother: Raditz, we find out that Goku isn't human. He was found by his "Grandfather"(SonGohan isnīt his real grandfather, but an adoptive one) inside a space capsule; Goku had been sent to Earth in order to conquer it, but due to a big fall he lost his memory thus, becoming the innocent boy that we meet at the beginning of the manga; we are told that Goku is really a Saiya-jín (-jin is used in Japanese to say that a person is part of the people that the "-jin" follows, therefore, Goku is part of the Saiya people; living the Saiya in planet Vejiita (they are not originally from this planet-this we find out in one of the films). Later Goku finds out that he can turn into Super Saiya-jin when he gets really angry (this occurs the first time when Freeza, one of the most dangerous enemies during the series, kills Kulilin, during the quest for the Namekian Balls). This transformation increases greatly Goku's power and gives him physical transformations (his hair becomes blond and more spiky, his eyes green, his face linear and an aura forms around him); afterwards, he finds that he can also turn into Super saiya-jin 2 and 3, which means an increase of all the caracteristics of the first stage. Goku is about age 50 at the start of DBGT. After he becomes a child again because of a wish the old Emporer Pilaf makes with the Ultimate Dragon Balls, he loses the ability to teleport, but is still as good a fighter as before. The reason he can't stay at SSJ3 for very long is that it takes a LOT of energy to maintain this level, and Goku's smaller body has less energy now. Goku is forced to travel around the galaxy now to find the Ultimate Dragon Balls within one year or the Earth will explode. Before Goku, Trunks and Pan are able to complete there mission, a thing called Baby possesses Earth and they are forced to return. Upon return, Goku is forced to fight Vegeta-Baby. Just before being killid, he is taken to Dai Kaiou-shin's Planet. There, Dai Kaiou-shin helps Goku regrow his tale in order to make him more powerful. After being teleported back to the fight on Planet Plant, Goku's tail doesn't seem to be much help untill Goku looks at the fool Earth and becomes Ougon Ouzaru (golden were-monkey thing). Goku goes on rampage in this form, and after beating up Vegeta-Baby, and almost injuring Pan, Goku stares at the full Eath again. He starts powering up -- turning into SSJ4 Goku. In the TV series, this is called SSJ4. However, V-Jump magazine claims to have inside information that the Super Goku 4 form is completely different from the SSJ sequence. Super Goku 4 is triggered when Golden Oozaro Goku stares at the Earth and gets frustrated at not being able to reach it from Planet Plant. He is a black haired man with lots of muscles, and is covered in red fur. His eyes are also lined in red. He is now stronger than Vejiita-Baby, and even more arrogant. He is also capable of firing off a "Times 10 Kamehame-ha." Recently, the Dragon Ball acumulated incredible amounts of minus energy, creating the 7 evil Shen-Longs. After defeating the evil dragons, Shenlong wouldn't grant anymore wishes. Goku convinced him to at least bring back to life the people who died in the battles, and then Goku had to leave with him. After visiting all his friends, Goku fell asleep on the dragons back and disapeared. He was seen 100 years later, in adult form, watching his decewndant, Goku Jr. fight Vegeta Jr. in a Tenchi Budoki. As Pan spotted him, he walked off, blending into the crowd. As the ending credits apear, we see Goku riding on kintoen, and holding his nyoibo. Note: Son Goku is inspired in the monkey god of the Shinto religion (Son Goku really looked like a monkey in the first Toriyama sketchs for Dragonball) .

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