~~~Shadow's Phlegm~~~

This section of my page is dedicated to all the crap I have run across in my hours of surfing the net. Only recently begun, I am sure it will grow in depth and character as things get added. And I must thank contestant #1 for the idea, or this may never have come into being. *smile* Shadowdance

Contestant #1
This one is dedicated to Mehreen from the Type-O email list for her insiteful views on my personal preference of the spelling for my site name. Frankly Mehreen, if you cant appreciate a little creative flare you really need to find something else to do...

***beginning of quote...
oh go ahead, visit my site, I need the hits---LOL https://members.tripod.com/~Shadow_dance/index.html

Why is it 'rhelm' instead' of 'realm'? Were you trying to make it look like 'phlegm'? that would make a good name for a website - shadow's phlegm... ;)
***end of quote...

More to come....as they arrive, LOL

You are number to visit this crap.

Email: greenwitch1@hotmail.com

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