Dark and Stormy

by Shadowdance

It was a dark and stormy night, a night when just looking out the window brought with it an impression of mischief and mystery.

As I sat there looking out, seeing only my reflection cast in the pane, I wondered what the night held, and why I felt so nervous. It was the nervous anticipation of a bride on her wedding night. Yes, something was in the air tonight and I knew it was coming for me.

Just then a knock came on the door, and I about jumped out of my nightgown. Normally I wear jeans and T-shirt around the house but the fireplace was warm and the slinky nightgown felt good against my fevered skin.

I moved to the door and opened it slowly. There stood one of the best looking men I had seen in a while. With a face right out of GQ magazine and firm broad shoulders that tapered down into a tight stomach, and further into strong, muscular legs. He was fabulous! He was also dripping wet, which did something to twist my stomach into a knot.

I motioned him in, but he just stood there like he was waiting for something. I asked him, "What's wrong? Do you want in out of that rain?" He said, "Yes, please" Looking at him strangely I said, "Well come in then." At that he smiled, and stepped thru the doorway. That smile almost did me in. It was warm, mischievous and little dangerous.

I said, "Here, let me help you out of that wet coat" and "what on earth are you doing out on a night like this?" He just chuckled and looked around. "Nice cottage, have you been here long?" I told him how I had just inherited it from my grandparents and that I had just moved in last week.

I hung his jacket up on the rack and asked him if he would like to come sit by the fire to warm himself. He walked into the sitting room as if he owned the place and took a seat by the fire. He turned to look at me and said, "Do you mind if I strip off these wet clothes?" At which point I grabbed a lap blanket and handed it to him stammering, "Uh, no, go ahead, there's a room just to your left..."

When he pulled his shirt over his head right there my breath caught in my throat and I found myself staring at him. He looked over at me, but appeared not to notice that I was staring. He took the blanket from my hand and laid it out on the floor in front of the fire. He turned and unbuckled his pants, which slid down over muscled thighs, then draped them over the chair. He did not try to cover himself as he lay down naked in front of the fire facing me.

Now I know I was staring. I couldn't help it. When his gaze caught mine, I knew he saw me. He said, "You're shivering, maybe you need to come over to the fire as well." To which he reached out a hand as if to invite me over. For some reason, I couldn't stop myself from going to him and that small voice in the back of my head was asking, 'what are you doing? you don't even know this guy', but that did little to stop me.

He grabbed my hand as I came closer and pulled me down to him. "I have a confession to make" he whispered in my ear. "I have been watching you since you moved in last week." "When I saw you staring out the window tonight I just knew I had to approach you, now, tonight, that it was time."

I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say. He solved my problem and kissed me. It was a deep and meaningful kiss, the kind meant for lovers. It left me with eyes closed, breathless and wanting more. I opened my eyes and stared into his deep blue ones. I was lost, totally, and the little voice in the back of my head that had warned caution seemed to have fallen asleep. I closed my eyes hoping he would kiss me again, and practically melted when he did.

Now his hands began to roam my body, brushing the silky nightgown over my skin in an erotic tempo that was driving me crazy. I moved closer to him and let my hands roam over his back and buttocks. His sharp intake of air let me know he was feeling the same thing I was.

When I thought I could stand no more, he slipped the nightgown up over my head and I felt the cool touch of his skin against mine. I should have noticed that was odd, but at that moment my brain wasn't exactally working logically.

His kisses became more urgent, and they started roving my entire body. When he got to the place between my legs his tongue darted out and flicked the nub there. I began to wreath in estacy. He continued this sweet torture for a while until I began to shake with release. I cried out when I did and slowly he let me come back down to reality as he slid his tongue up my stomach, to my neck and started nibbling me there.

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly stand any more stimulation he moved his body over mine and slid his enormously engorged manhood into me. I screamed out as another orgasm shook my body. He slid in and out of me and resumed the kissing and nibbling on my neck. As he took me again to the peek of orgasm I felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck. As the orgasm racked my body I could feel him sucking the blood from my neck. I couldn't stop him right then, even if I wanted to.

After a while he gently pulled his fangs from my neck and I heard him moan in pleasure as I felt him go off inside me, which set off another wave of orgasm in me. After a few more minutes he rolled off me and wrapped me in his arms.

His breath was light in my ear, and as I lay against him that's when I noticed that he did not have a heartbeat. I tried to pull away, but he held onto me fast. "Don't worry love" he whispered to me, " I wont hurt you, ever." "But what, er who are you?" I stammered. "The man of your dreams my pet." Well, I couldn't argue with that now could I? Especially since he had just done such wonderful things to my body.

So I just lay there wrapped in his arms and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up curled into a ball on the couch, nightgown bunched up around my waist, and fire embers burned down low. Oh damn, I thought, it was all just a dream.

Damn, damn, damn I thought...man of my dreams indeed. I got up to go to the restroom and glanced at myself in the mirror. That's when I noticed the two tiny bite marks on my neck.....

Email: greenwitch1@hotmail.com

This story © Copyright 1999--by Shadowdance: aka Lola Overland.

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