A Vampires life is so routene

by Shadowdance

Arise, I wake it's late again
My thirst is first to appear.
Into the night, I prepare to go out,
And dine, on my special diet
Of blood and lust.

My dress is barest and slinky black
And my heels are very tall
A statuesk woman to catch the eye
Of my lusty male companion for the night.

My car drops me off at the latest club
Where night people hang out and dance
I find him there among the crowd
He caught my eye by chance.

Once he sees me he finds the way
To move into my view
I speak to him, his heart speeds up
His member gets enlarged.

My voice is low and seductive
As I accept his offered drink
And whisper to him only that
He has a marvelous body.

After some time spent talking
I invite him to my place
To skinny dip in the hot tub
He accepts enthusiastically.

My car pulls up and he is impressed
And has obviously gotten lucky
We laugh and talk and kiss and paw
And get him worked up real well.

Inside we disrobe and take to the water
I pull him very close
I slip my body over his cock and
I sink my teeth into his neck and drink.

I stop after a moment
And his member pulses and
Gives me some of his juice
It warms my insides and feeds my need
His lust is making me warm.

I rock on him and
He stiffens again
And again I take some of his blood
On into the night I feed on him
Until he begs me to stop.

And when he does
I take all of him and
It sends me over the top.


And then it's over and
He is just a carcass
I ring for the butler
He knows what to do
And I go in to take my rest.

Until tomorrow night
And then it could be you.

Email: greenwitch1@hotmail.com

This poem © Copyright 1997--by Shadowdance: aka Lola Overland.

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