Vamp Story

This bite on my neck has proved to be my undoing.
Such a simple thing really, a bite, yet for all the trouble it has caused me is a very complicated ordeal indeed. I suppose I must elaborate and not keep you "in the dark" as it were.
The year was 1681, and not notable by any means, but it was a simpler time then. And I, third son in line for my father's, the duke of Melbourne, holdings. Knowing full well I would be hell bent to obtain even the paultriest of those holdings, I, like every other third son of those times, sought to gain my fortune in other manners. Having tried my hand at the gaming tables and lost some very tidy sums , decided spending time in the company of the ladies was more to my liking. In such, I began accepting the invites of our family, to every ball, and coming out party there were.
I cut a dashing figure, if the eyes and giggles of the young misses were to be heeded. So I had no trouble gaining the flirtatious attentions of several ladies in waiting. But somehow, I always seemed to miss my mark and the better catches were paired off with my fellows. Oh there were a lot of bachlors that year, and a lot of bethrols as well, but I was not to be one of them.
So as fate would have it, I started turning my attention to the ladies of more reputable experiences, shall we say. I began making my rounds of the young widows and the married ladies out for more than appearances. This turned out to be my most promising effort as these ladies showered their young lovers with gifts until such time as they tired of their latest indisgression and move on to the next one. I had taken in quite a healthy sum and was able to set up my apartments in town.
On one patricular evening however, I found myself inbetween lovers, and so attended the latest ball in search of my next amour de farce. It was there, while standing with my fellows on the sidelines of the dance floor, when she walked in. The Countessa de la Victorino. All heads turned, the young gentlemens jaws dropped, when she entered the room.
She was resplended in a gold lame gown, that fit her bodice so tightly and with the decolash cut so low one would think her bossom would spill out if she but took a breath. Raven tresses hung down to her waist in back and in front twined with golden cords into a very elaborate braid wound around her head. Gold glittered at her throat ears and fingers. Her skirts were gathered at the sides in a risque cut just high enough to show off her jeweled ankles. On each piece of gold also glittered an emerald, large enough to be seen from across the room.
I decided then that I would make her aquaintence, she obviously being well to do enough to afford my needs. Yet, so it seems, would every other cockswain in the place, as she was instantly put upon by several admirers. Her deep throaty laugh could be heard occasionally as the gents fawned over her. I decided to bide my time and not approach her yet. This I suppose was what brought me to her attention.
I stood in the wings glancing around trying to, yet not seeing her, when I heard a low seductive voice behind me, "Looking for someone young man?" she said. Startled, I turned and as I did caught a glimpse of red in her eyes, which quickly turned to golden hazel again. "Only you my lady" I answered, sounding quite pitiful, even to myself, for all of my months of practice. "May I get you something, punch, sweetmeats?" I asked. She startled me then by saying, "you are the only palitable thing I see offered here tonight." I actually blushed at that, which won me the pleasure of her laugh. "Well my lady, perhaps you would like some fresh air then?" I asked. With that she took my arm, saying, "What a lovely idea."
I led her out to the patio, where a fullmoon shone down to light our path. The patio already being occupied by a pair of couples, I took the steps to the garden path, and as she harbored no objection continued in to a secluded bench where I helped her to sit.
As I sat next to her my hand touched upon a rough edge of the seat and a splinter became stuck in my finger. "Ouch." I said and she, "here let me see." A trickle of blood ran down my finger which she drew to her lips and began licking the blood off. Then she slid my finger into her mouth, and the next thing you know, she bit me! I pulled my finger away saying, "Really, madam, I'm not sure which hurts more, the splinter or your bite." She just laughed and said "See, I knew you were the most delectable thing here." Her words seemed a bit strange to me but they also somehow brought a heat to my loins. I found myself kissing her and she attempting to disrobe me, I tried to pull back. She said, "Come now, I like it wild and chancy, dont you?" All I could do was kiss her again, letting my hands play over her volumptuous body. I'm sure we would have had a go of it right there were it not for the voices we heard coming down the path. Quickly, we put ourselves to rights. Reaching inside her bodess she pulled out her card and handed it to me. She said" Come to me tomorrow night after the sun goes down lover" ~~~and with that she fairly disappeared down the garden path, leaving me to wonder if she had ever been there to begin with. As the couple turned the corner I still sat there stupified. I rose to let the couple have the bench and made my way back to the dance.
I couldn't stop thinking about those golden eyes and the dance became rather dull, so after a few quick goodbyes I went home.
My night was filled with horrible dreams of blood baths and wild animals ripping me to shreds. I awoke the next morning covered in sweat and the bedclothes tangled around me so it took some minutes to free myself. The first thing I thougt of upon waking though, was her....

© Copyright 1998 by Shadowdance: aka Lola Overland

*that's it for now....I have to get more inspiration to continue...enjoy