Pleasure Link's for You

Leaving so soon?
Rememeber to stop back by on the next update. Maybe I will have something to make your pleasure last longer for you, but I know if I don't some of my friends might so in the meantime please vist them useing the link's below.

Link's for Pleasure

Mink Yaoi Cake Archive
YAOI, YAOI, and did I memtion YAOI? Mink has made a name for herself. So I suggest you check her out.
Jaya Palace
It's just a site full of goodie, Like Yaoi, Yuri, or lemon's she has them all.
Yaoi Extreme
If you love the Touma/Seiji paring then this is for you.Check it out.
GW and others!
This a site a friend sent me a while back. This is must read for the Gundam Wing fans. Make sure you take a peek at the story 'Lives'
Red for Pleasure
Shusu is a wonderful tease you must check it out. Nothing more said
The Prophecy
It's a great Escaflowne epic, Van finds a new girl from the mytic moon. But she looks framilier!!!
Black Lilies
A really nice manga Weiss Kreuz site!
FireCat's Fan Fiction page
Some really good fic's here, it's worth a peek
Weiss Kreuz the Night Hunters Project
A good site for the 411 on Weiss Kreuz
Dragon Dagger's Site
Here is a little cute site for our Gundam Wing boys and we can't forget about our lovely Ronin Warriors, now can we?
Nova's Fan Fiction Page
Good fan Fiction for Ronin Warriors and Gundam Wing. So go take a peek
TotallyRockin's HomePage
The home of GG.

~You like Kirei Tenshi/Heart's Desire? Take my banner to remember me by.

A Word Of Warning:

Yaoi is a word use to describe Male/Male relationships.
Yuri is a word to describe Female/Female relationships.
Lemons is used to describe Sexual Acts.

I suggest that if you are not mature enough to handle such topic's that you re-frame from visting my site as well as most of my links. I am not trying to be rude I am simply stating facts. So if you wander into a site that contains these topic's know that you have been properly Warned



Thanks to Lady Jaya who maded Kirei Tenshi/Heart's Desire possibly! She has spent endless hours helping a lost cause - me! I would be lost without such a great friend! Your the Greatest!

~Thanks for putting up with me Jaya.~