Moonsinger's HomePage

Hi, fellow surfer. I'm Moonsinger, and this is yet another
attempt to communicate with as many people in the world as
possible. What a trip this net-thing has turned out to be!

I'm interested in philosophies, science fiction, movies, music (mostly jazz/new age),
gardening, animals and their welfare, vegetarianism,
ceramics (real clay and fimo, too), and mysteries of life.
A new dawn comes to life every 24 or so manmade hours, and with each dawn,
the realization that this is a really fantastic world,
with truly diverse species.
I believe we as the human species MUST begin to treat all
other species better than we do now, including our own species.
Another belief of mine is that communication is
one of the keys with which to open that door of positive evolution.
One way I'm communicating is with some songs I've written and recorded that
more or less give thanks for all that surrounds us.
If interested in learning more about that, email me.

We ate no flesh in Eden, but afterwards,
when things got hard,
we forgot the peaceful kinship
of that ancient kingdom.
As our teeth sank into their flesh
we had to deny them,
So we said they had no souls, no reason,
no thumbs, no speech.
We were so different.
We made a chain of things to protect us --
fire, medicine, our locking houses,
many kinds of clothes.
And we renamed them -- farm product,
fur crop, renewable resource.
Pray that we will see their faces again
in the mirror of creation,
the miracle of animals, their clear eyes
meaning more than profit to our own.
---Jean Pearson---

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of Heaven is a place called
Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been
especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills
for all of our special friends
so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food,
water and sunshine and
our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old
are restored to health and vigor;
those who were hurt or maimed
are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of
days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content,
except for one small thing:
they each miss someone very special,
someone who was left behind.

They all run and play together,
but the day comes when one suddenly stops and
looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver.
Suddenly, he breaks from the group,
flying over the green grass, faster and faster.
You have been spotted,
and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion,
never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face;
your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into those trusting eyes,
so long gone from your life,
but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...

*Author Unknown*

The Life You Deserve

by Lisa Levine

Hidden away in a wire crate, he is left alone for most of the day.
Day after day.
The barriers keep him tight, with sides so close to his body there is barely enough room
to stretch comfortably or to stand up straight.
The muzzle strapped around his face keeps him quiet.

He is a living creature, but has no life, only time.
Time to stare, to sleep, and most of all, to wait.
Wait for the next race, where he will run his heart to its limit.
For this is all he knows about living.

So eager to cross the finish line.
Just wanting to please.
Maybe if he wins he'll be showered with affection and a warm touch.
Not in this lifetime.
Not in his short lifetime.
All he will be showered with is a cold stream of water to hose off the sweat,
before retruning to his crate.

His brothers and sisters share this lonely and inhumane existence, helpless in their
colony of solitary waiting rooms.
Warm bodies separated by the wire grids.
Desperate eyes searching for others to bond in momenta of silence.
whispers at night are solace in the dark.

His heart tells him there is more than waiting numbly for the next race.
Companionship and the soothing sound of a voice, the softness of a touch, the
securtiy of a hug--he has never had them but knows they would feel just fine.
Just being, just living.
Comforts so unlike his current fate.

The life of a dog, yes, even a Greyhound dog is all he dreams of , I think.
The dreams fill his days, all alone, muzzled and cramped in his crate.

You can miss what you never had.
He is living proof.

Other forms of communication work, too.
If you want to dialogue about all the endless possibilities in this universe,
I've an open mind and an email address.
If commonalities are of concern, I:

  • live in the high desert
  • love many types of music, listen mostly to jazz
  • eat vegetarians. Oops, I mean, I eat vegetarian
  • have 22 animal companions: 5 dogs - Zorro, Sheba, Kong, Simba, and Sherman (named after the Tank);
    5 cats - Dracula (18 years young!), Peebo, Kit, Six,
    and Seven (Six has 6 front toes, Seven has, well, you get the picture)
    and 11 new additions: 2 chickens, 1 rooster, 6 ducks
  • love to garden, really into herbs and flowers
  • fancy myself a great science fiction screenplay writer
  • ADORE Kevin Sorbo

    and his portrayal of Hercules, So please, click here for my tribute to Kevin Sorbo

    and his rockin' hot new movie, KULL THE CONQUEROR! Go rent it!
    It's awesome!

  • have few expectations and rarely, if ever, take myself seriously
  • oh, yeah, I'm a Gemini, for sure, yeah, and I read those Tarot cards, too
  • am a Pagan/Earth Religion/Wiccan/Witchy type, and dance and sing 'neath the moon with great regularity!
  • am a certifiable (I mean certified) clinical hypnotherapist
  • have been a dj, chef, hairdresser, singer/songwriter/musician, counselor, hypnotherapist and am always a writer
  • am active in a local animal rescue league, TLC, and we place MANY "unadoptable" dogs and cats each year, and we NEVER put them down, and TLC has many wonderful people foster caring animals, nursing them back to health, and keeping them safe until a home can be found for them
  • am visited pretty regularly by the ancient prophet, Zoroaster, who really SAID IT ALL, with "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds."
  • have started making pure and natural soaps, so go here if you're interested in a natural way to keep clean!

    By the way, on the off-chance a literary agent happens onto this page,
    I'm semi-desperately seeking one. I have written or co-written about 20 science fiction, action-adventure, original storyline,
    filled with rock and roll screenplays. Email me!

    By the way, I'm an "Amazon Associate", which means I can help you find books you might be interested in.

    Please go here for my extensive bookstore!

    "People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life.
    I don't think that's what we're really seeking.
    I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the
    the purely physical plane will have resonances within our
    own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."
    Joseph Campbell
    (The Power of Myth)

    The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.

    I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
    Knowledge is limited.
    Imagination encircles the world.
    Albert Einstein

    "When the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more,
    another Heaven and another Earth must pass before such a one can be again." W. Beebe

    If you can DREAM it, you can DO it.
    Walt Disney





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