
S h a r o n ' s   S l a p m a f r o l i c i o u s   P a g e !


Thanks   For   Stopping   By!  

This is my naso much cool space, but I appreciate you coming by. If you have any suggestions send them to me at Tell me what you like about my site, and what you don't (keep to yourself). My name's Sharon and I live in New Jersey, in the US. I am 18, a soph-o-more and i major in computer science (for NOW) at Montclair State University(MSU)(for NOW). I have blond hair and blue-green eyes (as ideal as that combination SOUNDS..well..see for yourself). There are many things that I like, these unidentified things will soon be identified in a list as follows: drawing, music(assorted), astrology, philosophy, dream interpretation, Medieval Society, chatting online, and Ryan. I'd appreciate if you'd sign my guestbook, once I get it working. I like to chat on mIRC, my name's Sharone. ACTUALLY, I don't chat so much anymore, but I do have many nicknames, which are: Pete, Sharone 'Phat One' Fatone, Pretzel Man, Sharoneus, Dinah, Lunchbox, Tonifah M. Black, Doug Butabi, PahkPahk, Charmin, Squirrely, Sharonacles, Grand Masta Nasty, the Inferior One with the Round Head and Beady Eyes and there is one person in existence who I allow to call me Shar (there can be only one). It's hard to describe myself, as I am unique, just like the rest of you. Take a look at my links :D Oh, and sign my guestbook, or I'll kill you in your sleep.

~Goodie Goodie Ta Ta~

Please try not to clutter my computer screen with your IMs, email, etc:
AOL IM name: ILayJunkStyle, HarsesKarn, PopeFuel, SlickWillySutton, DamnWifey
ICQ #: 107219565
Email:,, and

Sign My GuestBook, it's on the links page

Also if you scroll down to the very bottom, you can see all my friends, most of them quite scary

Care to see my floto album? Then Click Here!

YoU lOvE mY pAgE TiMeS mOrE tHaN aNyOnE eLsE's.
Nedstat Counter

~Get Your Horoscope~

My Quote For the Day:

"I believe the homeless should be ground into a reconstitutable powdered lubricant of some sort"--Ryan Howell

Click to see previous quotes!

Song of the Week:

"Valentine"--Get Up Kids
"Clint Eastwood"--Gorillaz (last week)

Ryan's Pick of the Week:

"Let's Get It On"--Marvin Gaye

indeed we shall

My Links Page[where you will find my guestbook]

Get your fresh, hot Dicken's Cider right HERE! Oh wait, no sorry, it's pictures of my friends and I

My Musical Preferences

My Online Sketchbook!

My Fricka Fricka Friends: Will Allbaugh(QuartzMind), Laurie Anderson (LARRY, Rebelgrrl, OPIvyGirl), Tom Applegate (slacker, i love my Mikey Angel), Brigid Cummins (Bridge-It), Gina Donahue(Pance Girl), Jim Duke (Spiderman, He's Huge!), Mike Engle (Engle),Anthony G (Halcyon), Heidi Grant (Heidi-Ho, R.I.P.), Nikki Hawkes (Flo, Crackey,the Hawke girl, Berg, O'Malley, Sonny, Jezzabelle, Phil Deedle, Lochlyn, Pope Fuel, Nikkay, Freakmo, La Flo Nikita, Nicodemus, PopeFuel, Nikolai, Jay), Vito Havrilla (Rachel's bitch, Vitocles, V-Dogg, VD, Zathras, Goatman!!!), Rachel Herman (Pitakeem, Rachicles, Lissrac, Virgilio Guzman), Ray Higbee Jr., Ryan Howell (Dr Orange, DJ Jazzy RYAN, Ryanacles, Ryancakes, Rye Bread, Scarface, Cecil, Sweet Luscious, Hunny Bunny Wunny, Ima Baichu!), Dana Israeli(spelled Dana but pronounced "Sharon", Fahkim, Da Da Dana), Justin (Fruitbat), MaKaila Kelly (Mickey, the Scarecrow), Eddie Kolbasowski (Pirate Shoes, heartless fiend), Kevin Lamb (don't get a tongue ring), Lane (Abject-Placemat), Jen LaTorre (smurf[pitufo], shrimp, munchkin), Anna Lawrence (LaLa), Michele Lefebvre (Mitchell), Erin Linker (El Nino), Liz Loftin (Shishkapoof, insolent fool), Bobby May (Robobby, Robert LeMay), Steve Milkowski (Moko, King Steve, Cartagio, maybe HE'S the TV repairman), Candice McCarthy (power gel), Teddilee McMillan (Teddi, my cousin, Teedlelee, Tea-diddle), Meeka (Meekers), Liz Molinski(ho ha ho ha ho chi chi), Sylvia Moon (Junk), Alexander Owasu (Ping Pong Boy, rock star), David Murray (WaffleHowse, Wofa, Bob), Jen Pigford (what can I say, likes human dissections :) Just kidding, Agent J! Lay off the faygo! ), Hugh Poling (Hughbert, damn solar wind!), Jaralai Powell (Jarally, Best All Around), Eric Scheffler (j/k, Homie G Funk C-style, hold on to the tree for dear life!), Sara Sheehan (Andre the giant), Ben William "Quill" Stevenson(NyQuil, Navyboy), Tara Storie (Tell-A-Storie, fudge ice cream mmm), Napoleon Suarez (Nappy, Napleon), Tatyana (Taty, Tatynana), Graham Thorstensen(Graham Cracker, the G is for GEEK haha), Andrew Ubbens (pipe bombs, Newsboy), Charles Volpe (Starbucks), Dante Welcher (Dorkte, Lance's boytoy), Kayla Welcher (Taya), Jessica Young (Yessica, Missgeburt, Daria, Pacman), & probably others I can't remember! (NOW in alphabetical order, YAY me!)

S E E    Y O U !

Oh yeah and I'm SUPERIOR!!!!