Shecky's Witness

Thanks to those of you who have decided to brave these next pages! The Lord is reaching out to you, and I thank Him for the blessing of being able to share my witness with you. The format here is fairly simple... let me tell you about my experiences of the Lord, and then we'll look at some frequently asked questions (most of which I've struggled with from time to time!) about what it takes to join His family.

The real 'Life's Little Instruction Book.'   Best viewed with WillingHeart 1.0!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16, NKJV

I'm sure many of you have heard this verse. Hands up, everyone who cheers for that person who confounds the media by mysteriously getting the poster into the shot during sporting events. Do you know the next verse? In it, John gives us a great insight into the mercy of God:

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17, NKJV

I admit these bibles are well-worn... but a mint-condition bible is evidence of it never being used!

 So you can see that we all have a chance at the eternal life we were made to desire. It's been said that people have a God-shaped hole in their hearts. Ever wonder why we make people famous-- why we want to be remembered for generations? IMHO: we long for eternity. But how can we get there, for real?!





This has gone far enough!  I want to go back to Shecky's House!

May I go back to the main Prayer page, please?

I'm brave, Shecky, and I want to go on.

Holy Hyperlinks, Shecky! I want to hear what someone else has to say!

Let's Wassail!

Free Chuckles In Here-- 25ยข

Here We Come, A-Wassailing!!

Shecky's House of Eats

Shecky's House of Laughs

Shecky's House of Noise

Quality graphics, special formatting... shouldn't you be out raking leaves or something?

And, Introducing Jesus Christ-- the reason for the season!

Never too early for this tale...

Shecky's House of Vision

Shecky's House of Prayer

Shecky's Reading Room