Sermon On The Mount

Did Jesus use a modem
At the Sermon on The Mount?
Did He ever try a broadcast fax,
To send His message out?
Did the disciples carry beepers,
As they went about their route?
Did Jesus use a modem
At The Sermon on The Mount?

Did Paul use a laptop,
With lots of RAM and ROM?
Were his letters posted on a BBS,
At Paul.Rome.Com?
Did the man from Macedonia
Send an e-mail saying, "Come?"
Did Paul use a laptop,
With lots of RAM and ROM?

Did Moses use a joystick
At the parting of the Sea?
And a Satellite Guidance Tracking System,
To show him where to be?
Did he write the law on tablets,
Or are they really on CD?
Did Moses use a joystick
At the parting of the Sea?
Did Jesus really die for us,
One day upon a tree?
Or was it just a hologram,
Or technical wizardry?
Can you download the Real Video ®
To play on your PC?
Did Jesus really die for us,
One day upon a tree?

Have the wonders of this modern age
Made you question what is true?
How a single man, in a simple time,
Could offer life anew?
How a sinless life, cruel death,
Then a glorious life again,
Could offer more to a desperate world
Than all the inventions of man?

If in your life, the voice of God
Is sometimes hard to hear,
With other voices calling,
His doesn't touch your ear.
Then set aside your laptop, and modem,
And all your fancy gear,
And open your Bible, open your heart,
And let your Father draw near.


Be still and know that I am God.

Father, help us to slow down and quiet our souls so we are able to hear Your still, small voice. Praise You that You can speak amidst all the business of our world and You are the God who never changes. We praise you, oh God. In your glorious name, Amen.





This has gone far enough!  I want to go back to Shecky's House!

May I go back where I came from?

Friends, more will be found here later! -- Love, Shecky

Holy Hyperlinks, Shecky! I want to go back to your Chapel!

Let's Wassail!!

Free Chuckles In Here-- 25¢

Here We Come A-Wassailing!!

Shecky's House of Eats

Shecky's House of Laughs

Shecky's House of Noise

Quality graphics, special formatting... shouldn't you be out raking leaves or something?

And, Introducing Jesus Christ-- the reason for the season!

Never too early for this tale...

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