The duo reached the bathroom and stepped in, Mulder flipping on the lights.
Strife smiled, "Mulder, you've volunteered your home for me, how can I repay you?"
"For starters, call me Fox." Mulder grinned, "Don't worry about payment, you're welcome here as my guest."
They kissed softly, Strife with his arms at Mulder's shoulders and Mulder letting his hands trace paths along Strife's flawless back.
Strife removed his necklace with the symbol and put it around Mulder's neck. "It would make me very happy if you wore this." He said, gazing at his lover.
"I'll never take it off." Mulder replied.
They then stepped into the shower, each trying not to arouse the other too much. They wanted to save the energy for later.
"What do you want to do today?" Mulder asked as they stepped out and toweled off.
"You." Strife answered, hugging Mulder close.
"Well, later. But we have a whole day ahead of us, it's only a little after ten."
"Its entirely up to you, I haven't been around here too long and really wouldn't know the possibilities."
"Well, I don't know. I know of a few dance clubs, and there is a carnival a few blocks from where I work." Mulder said, leading him to the room with the plush couch. He went to the closet and plucked out a few white shirts. "Here." He said, throwing one to Strife. "You can wear these too." He added, throwing Strife a pair of purple bikini briefs.
"Let me go get my jeans, I've just started wearing them in!"
"Sure, I'll be in here."
Strife put on the shirt and underwear then went out to the kitchen. He picked up his jeans and tripped, falling against the counter. "Ouch." he said his voice a little louder than he had expected.
"Is that you Mulder?" He heard a strong feminine voice say from the living area.
He gathered up his pants and said, "Uh, no, my name's Joel." He said, walking into the living room. He saw an average sized woman with blazing red hair and a dangerous look standing by the couch.
"Freeze! Put your hands up!" She yelled, pulling out her revolver.
Quickly Strife dropped the jeans and put his hands in the air.
"Agent Scully, FBI." She continued, flashing her badge.
"Fox!" Strife yelled, "Your partner's here! She's got a gun!"
"Put the gun away Scully." Mulder said as he entered the room, wearing jeans and cowboy boots with a white t-shirt. "He's my roomie."
"Damnit Mulder!" She said, holstering the weapon, "You could have told me."
Strife lowered his hands and picked up his jeans, then looked to Mulder.
"He just moved in this morning, and we've been...occupied."
"I bet that's why he isn't wearing any pants. And if my memory hasn't failed me, those briefs are yours."
"You aren't suggesting..."
"I'm not saying anything."
"You know you want it."
"In your dreams."
"Not anymore."
Strife cleared his throat to make sure they knew he was in the room.
Scully sighed, "Look, I'm here on business."
"Figures. Two weeks without a single case, then I take one day off..."
"It's not exactly a case. Skinner called a meeting for firearm safety."
"I think I'll sit this one out, I promised Joel the day of his life."
"I hate to burst your bubble, but its mandatory."
"And it starts as soon as I get your useless butt down there."
"Alright. Joel, go ahead and stick around here okay, my keys are on the table. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Are you going to at least put on a suit?" Scully asked, frowning at Mulder's attire.
"Today's my day off. I think I'll skip the suit."
Mulder said goodbye and kissed Strife softly when Scully turned her back.
Strife decided it was time to catch up on his missed sleep and curled up on the couch as soon as Mulder closed the door.
Scully sighed as she put on her seat belt and started the car. "That was different." She said.
"Not really, I've been in worse situations."
"I wish you'd let me know you went that way."
"It's none of your business. And what do you mean by "Went that way?" anyway?"
"It is my business. If I knew you were there with someone I wouldn't have let myself in. It's just that it's been so long since you've been with someone."
"How would you know?"
"That's the thing, I didn't know! Are you exclusive?"
"To men, no. To Joel, yes."
"How long have you been together, a week, a month?"
"About four hours."
"Geeze, what do you know about him? Is he safe?"
"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were worried about me."
"I'm not. It's just that I don't want you getting into more trouble. It looks bad on my record."
"Well thanks for caring, but I'm fine. He's even given me a present." Mulder said as Scully pulled into her parking space. She looked over as Mulder pulled the necklace with the symbol from his shirt.
"Its Greek." She said as they got out of the car.
"I know that."
"Did you know it's the symbol of the Greek god Strife, nephew to Ares."
"Of course I did."
"It was rumored that all of his followers wore a copy of his silver original as a proclamation of their allegiance. His chosen mortal mates wore it until they died."
"I know." Mulder lied, trying to look smarter than his partner.
They entered the building and went to the scheduled meeting place without another word.
Mulder sighed as he slid into the passenger seat of Scully's car. The meeting had gone on for four hours and it was approaching two thirty.
"That meeting was pretty bad."
"Don't tell me you didn't jump at the chance to listen to "Specialists" talk about gun safety."
"Smart ass."
"Hey, I'm not the one that pulled a gun on my roommate."
"He was sneaking around in the kitchen, wearing no pants. How was I supposed to know he lived there."
"Just never mind Scully. It's none of your business anyway."
"I may be in tomorrow morning, there's a stack of files I want to go through."
"Sounds like a plan. What's your friend going to do while you aren't home?"
"I don't know. I'll give him my extra set of keys and let him go wherever. He's a grown man."
"You don't have to be childish Mulder, I was simply asking a question."
They remained silent the remainder of the way, until they pulled up in front of the apartment building. Mulder removed his seatbelt and opened the door.
"Look, I'm sorry I said you were childish. I just don't trust that guy. He's a little creepy."
"Look, call me later on. Maybe we could get together for dinner or something and you could get to know more about him."
"I'll think about it." She said, then pulled the passenger door closed after he stepped out and sped away.
Mulder sighed and turned to the building.
Mulder grinned as he walked into the apartment and saw Strife sleeping peacefully on the couch. His pants were in a heap beside him. Mulder smiled slyly and plucked the wallet from the pocket. "I'm gonna look at your driver's license." He said softly, no response. He opened it up and counted the money, almost three hundred in tens and twenties. It struck him as a little odd, but he moved on the to only other thing, the driver's license. Everything seemed to be in order, Class D, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Sex: Male, Height: five feet ten inches, Weight: 130. Name: Joel Jones, the birthday threw him slightly, January first, nineteen seventy-two, that would make him twenty-six. Quickly he closed the wallet, slipping the card back in as the figure on the couch yawned and stretched.
Strife yawned once more and turned away from the back and was startled at the sight before him. "Damnit Fox! You scared me halfway to the grave!"
"Sorry Joel, I was just watching you sleep."
"That's kinda creepy." Strife said, standing up and pulling on his jeans. "So, how was the meeting?" He finished, buttoning and zipping the fly.
"Ugh. I'll just say that I would have MUCH rather spent the day with you."
"That's sweet of you, but I needed to catch up on my sleep."
"I could have probably take a nap myself."
"That reminds me, what are we to do about sleeping arrangements?"
Mulder thought for a moment, "Hmm...You do have a point. I do have to two couches, but I don't want to be that far from you. Besides, couches really only sleep one."
Strife sighed and walked to the kitchen, Mulder trailing close behind.
As soon as he left the apartment he'd wandered down to the airport. After, he spent a little money on a flask of bourbon and a plane ticket to Arizona. Then, he went to the airport restroom and changed into the outfit Zeus had given him, he decided he'd change as soon as the plane landed. After whining to a man in an orange toga for an hour he finally got used to his outfit (Which matched Strife's exactly) and sat down on a cushy sofa.
Three hours later he was on the plane, hurtling through the blue sky. He scowled at the puffy white clouds as his stomach lurched and threatened to empty its non-existent contents. He uncapped the flask and drank deeply. "Where am I going?" he thought, closing his eyes, "What am I running from?"
Gently he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He ran his fingers up and through his hair, his head pounding from the simple hysteria of the day. He couldn't wait to get off the plane, and didn't even know what was compelling him to go to Arizona anyway. He assumed it was to meet with the young man he'd met on one of his infrequent visits to the searing desert landscape.
He opened his eyes and looked to the man beside him, a man of about thirty-five with thinning brown hair and a paunch bigger than the confines of his seat, and cleared his throat.
"You look pretty green mister, want an aspirin?" The man asked, opening up a briefcase.
Ares nearly refused, but recalled his pounding headache and reluctantly nodded. "Thank you." He said, hoping to cut off all conversation with the man.
The man handed over three caplets and said, "You got a name? People call me Phil."
Ares rolled his eyes behind closed eyelids and swallowed the pills with a swig of bourbon, then said, "I'm not in a very talkative mood right now."
"I see, bad day?" Phil asked, smiling.
"I guess you could say that." Ares said, leaning back in his seat
"Well, say no more! I'll just let you kick back and take a little Siesta! We can talk later."
Ares slumped down and sighed, letting his eyelids drop. He could hear Phil's annoying wheeze and the mindless, inane chatter around him. A few minuets later he dropped off into a light doze, his first dose of aspirin hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Ares opened his eyes when he heard a young feminine voice ask Phil if he wanted fish or chicken.
The pretty young woman looked at him with huge blue eyes, "Would you like fish or Chicken?" She asked, gesturing with her hands.
"I don't pick." He said, realizing his stomach was no longer upset, but rather gnawing and winding into a sinewy lump.
"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes.
"What did you say?" He said, feeling slightly threatened by her defiant tone.
"What's it to you bub?" She said, plopping a Styrofoam plate on the tray in front of him.
"I'd take you out back and whip you till you bled if you were in my army."
"So would every guy on this plane, sicko." She finished; tossing him a gold foil package of stale honey roasted peanuts.
He grumbled under his breath and began to pick at the fried chicken and mashed potatoes, glad to get something in his gut even if it tasted like cardboard.
"Damn, you've got balls. Talkin to a lady like that."
"Who's gonna stop me?"
"Oh, far be it for me to say anything. Personally, my old lady would kick my ass if I talked like that."
"You deserve it if you'd let a woman treat you like that."
"Women deserve to be treated pretty fairly, I mean its not like they're perfect, but she brings home her fair share."
Ares ignored the man and finished his meal, shoving the package into his pocket. He pushed the blue button above him as he'd seen a few other people do on the annoying flight and another stewardess arrived, taking his plate. He asked her to bring him a pillow and a glass of white wine. She said she'd bring the pillow.
He sighed again and put the pillow he'd received behind his head, then leaned the seat back and closed his eyes. He still had a while before they'd arrive in Phoenix.
"So, why are you going to Arizona?" Phil asked, yanking him from his near sleep. "Oh, I'm sorry...did I wake you?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm going to visit friends."
"Oh, that's good. Myself, I live down in the valley. I own a little house over by the Nevada border."
"Good, great. Now, may I please get a little sleep?"
"Sure, sweet dreams. I'll wake you when the stewardess comes with your drink."
Ares sighed, and took another swig from the flask. He smiled as the world swam before his eyes, creating a pleasant color scheme. He closed his eyes and rubbed the lids, causing a pattern that reminded him of what little he witnessed of the late 70's.
Ares awoke with a start, his head pounding, pulse racing and his nephew's name on his lips.
"You okay man?" He heard the all too familiar Phil say.
"I'm fine." Ares said, rubbing his temples.
"Want some more aspirin?"
"No, I'm okay, I just had a bad dream, that's all."
"So I heard. What did this guy Strife do to piss you off?"
Ares wrapped his right hand around the fatty flesh of Phil's upper arm, digging his nails into the blue and white polka dot fabric. "What did you hear?"
"Nothing! Calm down man! You just kept saying his name really mean like...I figured you were mad enough to kill him."
"Good. He's my nephew...he's done some bad things, but not nearly enough. He's a worm of the worst sort, and lower than the scum in bottom of the Nile."
"Don't go too hard on him. I mean, I don't know the guy, but he can't be that bad."
"Just shut up. I don't feel like talking." Ares finished, silencing the man. Slowly he turned his head to look out the small window and watched the sun rise and fill the little window with blinding bright yellow light. He slammed the cover shut and pushed the button for the stewardess.
"How may I help you?" A perky young blond said upon arrival.
"I want a drink."
"We will not be serving drinks, we will be landing in five hours."
"Damnit. Okay, what about a cold glass of milk?"
"I'll be right back!" She finished, sashaying down the narrow aisle.
Ares grumbled lightly and moved the pillow to a more comfortable spot under his butt. Quickly he stood and retrieved his backpack from the space overhead.
"Traveling light?" Phil asked, grinning idiotically.
"You talk too much." Ares grumbled, taking another light sip from his flask and noticing it was nearly empty.
"Well, I guess I just have allot to say."
"Sounds mostly like a bullshit attempt to unload your personal problems on someone else to make you feel better about your pathetic attempt at a life."
"At least I have a personality. You have to find yours in a bottle!"
Ares was about ready to choke the man to death when the stewardess came back, with a glass of milk. He took the milk and smiled softly when she handed him yet another pack of the sweetly disgusting peanuts. He grinned and waved as she left, then drank the contents of the paper cup and said, "Look, I'm sorry I said that, I'm just a little upset. I've been having a very bad time lately."
"Its okay man, I'm in therapy, I understand what you're going through. Wanna talk about it?"
Ares sighed, his new status completely overwhelming him. For the first time he realized he was mortal, he had feelings, he felt pain, he was incredibly depressed. He let a small couch come as he sniffed back his first tear. "It's just that my whole life has been turned upside-down. Everything I took for granted is seemingly impossible now."
Phil nodded his head sympathetically. "I understand. My son died a year ago and I didn't know how I was going to survive, but I did. You just have to come to terms with yourself."
Ares let the next tear sprout forth and make a trail down his rough cheek as the emotions flooded over him. He was going to be able to die; he could be shot in the streets like a mangy dog or die any number of deaths like he'd caused over the centuries.
"Look, I think I'll just shut up. You try to take a little nap, you look like you need it."
Ares wiped away the next set of tears and said, "Do you have a mirror?"
Phil nodded again and pulled a small mirror out of his briefcase, then handed it to Ares.
Ares gazed into the tiny mirror at his haggard reflection. His eyes were rimmed with red and had large dark circles underneath. He had a full day's worth of stubble and his hair poked out in every direction. His lips were very pale and he touched the chapped surface. Then he smiled and nearly laughed at his milk moustache. He handed the mirror back to Phil. "I think I'll take that nap now."
"Good." Phil said, smiling a more genuine smile. "I'll wake you when we land."
Ares adjusted the pillow and seat, then fell into sleep.

Thats all I have for now! :) Go Back to the main page.