The Music and Lyrics of Shel Silverstein

This page is a serious work-in-progress. Eventually, I hope to have lyrics to all the songs that are listed
at, which is the place for copyright licensing of most popular songs. All 789 of them, according
to BMI. Certainly a daunting task.

In the meantime, feel free to acquaint yourself with Silverstein's mastery of the pop, folk, and country
lyric at Carol's Banned Width, where she has a special section devoted to Silverstein's lyrics and poetry.
Or if you'd like to listen to some of the tracks he actually recorded, go to Morgo's Media Menu. And as
for song titles, someone else took the time to compile a list of them, which you can view here.

You can also read a review I wrote of "Fuck 'Em", a bootleg of sorts which cobbled together a bunch of
ridiculously funny and obscene songs Shel wrote, most of which were almost certainly not intended to
see the light of day.
