
"Developing the Peace of God " 

Need Encouragement?  Are you sick or depressed?  Do you feel you are not  doing enough for Jehovah?  Are you fearful He is displeased with you? Job  felt that way too. How did  Jehovah feel about Job?

We had the privilege of having a Bethel speaker who gave a very fine memorial talk to the 208 in attendance. He also gave a most upbuilding service talk on Saturday evening  on  "Developing the Peace of God ". 

In this talk, he gave us several things to think about, but one thought in particular stands out as a : " Point To Ponder " ... 

It has to do with how we all can get to feeling sometimes, when we can't do as much as we have in the past, or can't do what we think we should be doing  even though we are trying as hard as we can to do so . 

Well in developing the Peace of God in our lives we must be at peace with God, be at peace with others, as well as be at Peace with OURSELVES ! While Remembering we must be modest about ourselves , we must also accept who we really are and what we really can do, Because Jehovah
doesn't expect more than we can do, we shouldn't do that either. Of course this is not to say that we shouldn't strive to do more in the service, but rather that if we find we are REALLY doing all we can , even if it amounts to very little in our eyes, Jehovah is Pleased with our service, and is at peace with
us, so we can be at peace with ourselves too! 

The example the brother made to drive this point home was that of Job. After getting us to think about how we feel about ourselves, he took out a picture of Job covered in sores in the dirt looking so miserable, he then  asked us how he looked to us, and asked how do you think Job felt about his service at this point ? Then he asked us what Job was doing in service, as shown by the picture ? Yes! Job was doing nothing ! Just sitting there so sick he can't even close his mouth ! 

 Jehovah looking down at Job in his present condition, turns to satan and says - Best man I got ! 

Isn't that something to ponder? If all we can do in Jehovah's service is to maintain our integrity, how does Jehovah really feel about us ? If Job could have done more he would have, and showed this to be true later when he could. If we know that we are truly doing all we can in Jehovah's service, we have a comforting assurance that Jehovah looks down on us and says: " this is my servant they are one of the best I have ! " 

 In the future if we can do more in His service, then by all means do so, but if you can't at present, be happy that Jehovah still loves you just the same ! Don't let satan rob you of the peace which excels  all thought, that Jehovah gives by means of his word, Son, and His earthly organization! and don't let
 your current situation make you feel you are valueless in God's sight. After all, would Jehovah have only offered his son for those who would prove to be worth it? No, out of great love for even ones who could do no more than sit and look pitiful like Job. 

These were very encouraging words to those in the congregation suffering a variety of debilitating illnesses. Hopefully they have been encouraging to you as well ...