Be The Best You Can
An ancient legend tells of a king who walked into his garden one day to  find almost everything withered and dying.
Speaking to an oak near the gate, he learned that it was sick of
 life because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine.
The pine was upset, for it could not bear delicious fruit like the  pear tree, while the pear tree complained that it did not have the  lovely odor of the spruce; and so it went throughout the entire garden. 
 Coming to a pansy, however, the king saw its bright face full of  cheerfulness. "Well, little flower," said the monarch, "Im glad to find  at least one that is happy in this discouraging scene."
Your majesty, I know Im of small account, but I decided you  wanted a pansy when you planted me. If you had desired an oak or a pear  tree, you would have put one in my place. Therefore I'm determined to  be the best little flower I can be!"