Some really special Cyber Friends!

I know you don't want to read about what I feel like writing about, 
you would much rather just know who my cyber Friends are. Before I 
tell you who these people are, let me say this:
 Even though I call them Cyber Friends, to me, they are very real.
 Some of them I talk to each and every day no matter how brief!
 I count on having their advice and treasure what their thoughts 
 and Opinions are. (some much more than others though!)

Alright, on with the good stuff!

Well- the handsome Man holding an adorable little baby?
That is Pyski's  dh  - Donald. My one and only for now and

The two Lovely Ladies (these are some of the Cyber Friends I 
was talking about) are Greyhead, who is NOT Grey and Brig!!

**** Brig is the cute one on the left
**** Greyhead is the cute one on the right!

Sherry & Donald Pyszczynski
Hazel Park, MI 48030
United States

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