![]() yOU wILL nEVER gUESS wHO iS hERE tODAY!!!
ok, and in the first box we have: (drum roll-please) mADAME mIRC (I'm sooo excited!!)qUEEN of mIRC, oh yeah, also known as CvCalhoun, or even just plain Carol! Carol is one of my utmost favorite on-line buddies in the whole world (running a close tie with Rikki-M) and is always a very welcome addition to our chat. I would have to say she is one of the most helpful people I know. I was just glad to be able to steal her picture for our book! LOL The next picture is of Ugogirl. Ugo (alias Jean) doesn't come visit us very often lately. Don't you worry though, she will be back with us! ***PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THE ONLY FEEDBACK WE GET FROM ALL OF THESE PICTURES IS WHAT EVERYONE PUTS IN THE GUESTBOOK, SO PLEASE BE SURE TO SIGN EACH TIME YOU VISIT. Also- if you have a picture you would like to add on, please feel free to send it to me via e-mail!
Sherry & Donald Pyszczynski
Now where to??Back to the home page!: The best way to navigate through this siteback to previous page: Did you see this one yet? Go forward to the next page: You never know who may be there!!! View/Sign my guestbook: Don't forget to do this before you go!!