The first picture is of our
own beloved Brenda.(PsBrenda)
Brenda kind of over sees some 
of our Souper Activity. She is
a wonderful discussion group 
leader as well. **Thanks for 
all of your hard work for us!

The happy looking people is of
D'Ann (alias GadgetGirl) and her
two Daughters. It is actually kind
of hard to tell the Mother from the
Daughter! She wanted to wait to
have her picture added until she
had one taken that she was all 
ready for, BUT......well..... :)

(I am not known for my patience)

The last photo is of another very
popular Chatter. Rabits and her 
Family. Rabits always adds a sense
of fun to the conversation. For that,
(and other reasons) I am grateful!

I want to see more stuff!

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You can get to all of the pictures from here.
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Just another page .
Did you see the updated photo of NebrMom?
in order to sign Sherry's guestbook