yes- I am finally here

Ok- I know you have been bothering me for ages to get 
    myself here. My wonderful Husband Donald was a good
    little Santa this year and surprised me with a Scanner.
    This picture is of Me -I'm the Mommie 
                       Spencer (My pride and joy)
                       Samantha (My little Jewel)

I had planned on just getting a picture of the kids to 
include in my Christmas cards this year,unfortunately, 
Spencer and Samantha chose not to co-operate. I took them 
to the Photo Studio three different times. Each time, 
at least one of them was tired or crabby or sometimes even both!
Anyhow, after getting them both there, and waiting in the long
line, our turn came up-filled with tears and screams that
they wanted to be anywhere else! I finally had enough and just
grabbed up the kids and told the Lady to just snap it! I wanted
a picture of them together already, even if it meant that I was

Just as I was on my way out to the car, I realized that I couldn't 
send out that picture! I was a married Woman with a wonderful 
Husband! It would be considered rude at the very least. Donald is
the one that works the hardest for us and I just couldn't do it.
So- the picture isn't a total waste, I am sharing it with my Soup
Friends........( I think that some of you were beginning to doubt
that I was a real person! )

For those of you that are curious as to what Donald looks like,
just browse through the site, there is at least one of him. You
can expect more very soon. (Now that I have a scanner......even if
I haven't really figured it out yet!  LOL) 

Keep Smiling        and        Keep Soupin'!!!  

You are the person to come see what Sherry (Pyski) really looks like!

Sherry & Donald Pyszczynski
Hazel Park, MI 48030
Please send me an e-mail if you would like your , picture added.

Ready to move on?

My guestbook - it's here for you to sign!
So? Do I look like you thought I would? Be sure to sign to let me know!
My homepage - go back
The best way to navigate this site!
Another page filled with some Super Soupers!
|Who could be here?
More pictures of course............
Go on- take another peek.
Parent Soup
Come chat with me!!!!!