The first nice looking Family is GingerMom with GingerDad and GingerKids! What a nice Family they have! Ginger is one of our favorite Chatters in Soup. She is also a very talented Artist! The picture of the Mom and beautiful baby is Nine. I have never asked her why she uses that nick, but if she had Eight more like the Angel she has, she could use the nick Lucky! The other Family photo is of Delusional. Delusional used to spend a lot of time in Soup. She is currently busy being a Momand a Wife. I'm sure she will be able to spend more time with us soon! Michael (Her little boy) is about the same age as my little girl Samantha. She helped me deal with some difficult times when I really needed someone. I will be forever grateful for that and for her!
I want to look around a little bit more........