In case you are wondering what the first picture is, it is called the Domestic Goddess and was drawn by our very own GingerMom. She sells this and a few other cards that she created on her own. They look better than anything I have found at the store! In case you are interested, feel free to contact me and I will put you in touch with her. *set of 12 for $5.00* * a great bargain!* I loved that one so much that I am having it framed and I am putting it in my kitchen! It will be a reminder to the Family of who and what I am! LOL The next picture is of KerriLynn with her Husband James. It was taken on their wedding day. I know you have seen a picture of them before - but I like keeping some variety going here! :-) I have to say - Kerri is as sweet in person as she is in Soup. I am glad that she (currently) lives so close to me! The other happy looking couple is our very own Betty and Russ. Russ aka Windy City! King of Humor. He sends me a joke on my e-mail almost each and every single day! Not too many men can keep a smile on my face! LOL Windy and Donald, my dh. Speaking of Donald - just in case I haven't added on the information any where else on my site, he is truly the love of my life and the greatest Husband any Woman could ever dream of having! I am going to be very busy adding on a few more pages - so keep checking back! I would also like to ask that if anyone would like to be added on, please contact me via ICQ,e-mail or leave a message in the guestbook. My e-mail info is on one (or 10) of these pages but if you would like it now - it is: Thanks for taking time to visit - please be sure to sign the book! ONE MORE THING! I have to admit that I stole those other pictures off of Kerri's and Windy's homepages! (clear conscience) (/clear conscience) LOL~
ready to go............