ok- let me start out by introducing you to a few faces of 
some old / new Soup Friends!

The first lovely lady shown at the top of the page is known 
as TamnDoug.  They use that nick because she is Tammie and
he is Doug! Just like on er - she is a Nurse and he is a Fire-
Fighter! Tammie has helped me out so much over the past year
with lots of computer stuff. I was pretty computer illiterate
when she decided to take pity on me and help me learn how to 
work some of these things!  Thanks Tammie
Ps-Isn't she cute????

The picture of the Gentleman with the good-looking Little Guy
is our own Dr.Greene with his boy Austin. *If I could just get 
a picture of Ms.G now!
Dr.Greene has helped out so many of us with so many important 
child care concerns! Some of the Soupers truly do not have 
access to a Pediatrician and count on Dr. Greene for advice.
I know he has helped me out on a few tough issues. Thank you
from all of us in the Soup!

The picture of the other Lovely Lady is my dear friend, Eileen.
She comes into Soup as Leen.  Eileen is also a Nurse. She doesn't 
have much time to come in and chat very often lately. She is a
Personal Trainer, a Nurse, a Mom and a Wife (multi-taking!)before
she is a chatter! Like most of us! LOL
This Woman has helped me out on a personal level many times!
There are times when I really need an encouraging word or a
swift kick in the rear, she gives me both! 

(Did you all notice the Medical Personnel here?)

I would also like to take a moment to thank Dicky Doo, 
aka Bogeyman aka Dick 
He won a Parent Soup t-shirt that I was (tactfully) trying
to pry right off his back! LOL   DooMan (my personal favorite
name for him) contacted ParentSoup and pleaded my case, that 
I HAD to have one. I am waiting patiently by my mail box
right now! Thanks DooMan!!

ok- enough reading, time to write! (In my guestbook of course!)
Even if you have been here before, please take time to sign,that
is the only type of feedback I get! *Afterwards, come chat with me
at Soup!


The Soup! (parentSoup): our home at home! (or work)
Homepage -the only way to get around on my site!: Someday- I will have time to make this an easier site to navigate, but since I haven't found it yet....
The GuestBook that you MUST sign!: .....*please*.....
Dicky Doo's HomePage: take a peek
Rikki's homepage: My personal favorite! (ok- 2nd fav. - I LOVE this place more) LOL